The sense is frequent in Cicero: see Rep VI 17 'nihil est nisi mortale et caducum praeter animos' and Phil IV 13.
Thy vissage semys na mortale creature, Nor thi voce soundis not lyke to humane nature, A goddes art thou suythly to my sycht.
Pallas, nocht schrynkand for the mortale dynt, Invane the hait schaft of hys wond lies hynt; For al togidder by the sammyn way 25 The blude and sawle passys hyne bath tway.
Heir is na power of dyvynyte, 15 Nor Goddis mycht gaynstandyng ws, quod he: Nane other bargane haue we in thir fyghtis Bot agane dedly and with mortale wightis: Alsmony mortale bodeis heir haue we, And als feill handis to debait the melle.
Heir followis of the famus queyn Dydo The fatale dynt of deth and mortale wo.
Or quharto axis thou to thir, quod he, With mortale handis wrocht of stokkis and tre, 10 That is to say, thir schippis so habill to faill, That lesum war thai suld be immortale?
Sors tua mortalis; non est mortale quod optas=--Thy lot is mortal, and thou wishest what no mortal may.
Surely the expression, “Obligationem ad peccatum mortale vel veniale inducere,†makes sin the object of the obligation, and does not merely describe the character of the fault.
I imagined that you referred the pronoun “ea†to “peccatum mortale vel veniale,†because I found that Dr.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mortale" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.