All these who were chosen to be porters in thethresholds were two hundred and twelve.
By the thyroid influence, the brain thresholds are lowered and life becomes exquisite; without its influence the brain becomes a globe of relatively inert substance.
The most striking phenomenon of this disease, however, is the remarkable lowering of the brain thresholds to stimuli.
Cabinets of gems, each cabinet itself a gem, filled up the interstices of the columns; the most precious woods lined the thresholds and composed the doors; gold and jewels seemed lavished all around.
Since a noble in our Commonwealth may be elected king, there are no thresholds too lofty for his feet.
And receiving the ransom, the hetmans took pity on that army of unfortunate men; but the horde trampled them under hoofs at the very thresholds of their homes.
Both caps and sockets, especially those of bronze, are found in the thresholds in a good state of preservation.
Two of these opened on the colonnade in their whole breadth, and four with narrow doors, the thresholds of which, of whitish limestone, are still in place.
With their help, and with the well preserved stone thresholds before us, it is possible to picture to ourselves the appearance of the doorway.
Once more the year opens under royal auspices and enjoys in fuller pride its famous prince; not brooking to linger around private thresholds the returning fasces rejoice in Caesar’s consulship.
Columns cut from rock of hyacinth support emerald beams; the walls are of beryl, the high-builded thresholds of polished jaspar, the floor of agate trodden as dirt beneath the foot.
I stand between the thresholdsof the two, Fettered and bound with many a heavy chain; I strive to rend their links, but all in vain; The False is strong, and holds me from the True.
Again cordial courtesies were dropped at the thresholds by which the Squire passed to his home farm; again the sunburnt brows uncovered--no more with sullen ceremony--were smoothed into cheerful gladness at his nod.
The supply of wood again was extremely scanty not only in Babylonia but also in Assyria, and any wood used for columns, lintels or thresholds was generally brought from Lebanon, Amanus, or some other distant place.
They fought at their thresholds and their hearths, with the shrieks of their wives and children ringing in their ears, and they fought in the hope that each moment would bring aid from Granada.
When the contest was over the streets presented a piteous spectacle, so many of their inhabitants had died in the defence of their thresholds or been slaughtered without resistance.
The birds were chirping, perched on the windows sills and deserted thresholds of the doors.
The foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him who called, and the house was filled with smoke.
Shadowy Thresholds has as great a variety of poetic forms as any volume of late years.
Since it is the capital that has been struck, and the command is given to break the thresholds on the head of all of them, many translate lintels or architraves instead of thresholds (e.
But the word [Hebrew: sippim] always means thresholds and the blow here is fundamental.
Men leaned against the door-posts and stared motionless, and hags, lean and fat, sat on the thresholds and wished to tell our fortunes; younger women ranged the sidewalks and offered to dance.
The cesspools of the city shall be thy drink, The shadow of the walls shall be thy dwelling, The thresholds shall be thy habitation, Confinement and privation shall shatter thy strength.
Namtar went, he knocked at the palace of justice, He tapped at the thresholds of gleaming (?
In very magnificent buildings metal thresholds sometimes replaced those of stone or brick.
These two motives are united in those great thresholds which have been found now and then in such marvellous preservation.
Such an arrangement was in better taste than the mosaic thresholds of the Romans where men were shown in pictures destined to be trodden under foot.
The stone thresholds were mostly alabaster like the sculptured slabs upon the chamber walls.
Stand your homes and altars by; On your own free thresholds die.
Serpent: as guardian of thresholdsin Babylon, 110 f.
Bronze and silver thresholds were often mentioned in the furniture of Babylonian and Assyrian temples;[551] and they might well have had mention among the Hebrews.
As early as the twelfth dynasty of ancient Egypt, before the days of Abraham, stone thresholds marked the upper border of that mighty empire.
Bloody sacrifices are still known at the temple thresholds in India, notwithstanding the prejudice of Hindoos against the shedding of blood.
He says: “On the thresholds of the gates I set up mighty bulls of bronze, and mighty snakes standing upright.
High thresholds in houses of Finland and United States, and in Teutonic houses, 12.
The pilgrimage to the Holy Land was the most highly esteemed, after that, to the thresholds of the apostles at Rome, and to Compostella, and great numbers went thither.
Roosters seem to be a perpetual source of annoyance to the folk whose thresholds are not under proper control.
The superman is one who has gained such conscious control of his psychic thresholds that he can raise and lower them at will in the interests of the social good.
After a general revaluation of values, he found himself able to keep his thresholds at the normal level.
These psychic thresholds do not maintain a constant level.
Why is it that one person chooses altruism as the master threshold that determines the level of all the others, while another person who ought to be equally fine lowers his thresholdsonly to himself?
To carry the milk was impossible, so low were his thresholds to the slightest message of fatigue.
There are certainthresholds made to shift frequently and easily.
If he deliberately lowers his thresholds to the whole class of stimuli pertaining to himself, there is small wonder that they sweep over the boundaries into consciousness with irresistible force.
And the thresholds are so high he cannot get over; but there is always some one who will hand him over, and then the conceited dog shakes his sides and frisks about among the worshippers.
The homes of humbler friends were foreign thresholds to Leslie; the reserved, engrossed, dignified master of Otter crossed them with a freer step.
Straightway she called the goldsmith and had the lead thresholds of three chambers gilded to the thickness of a hand.
Then she called a goldsmith, and gilded to a hand's thickness the thresholds of seven rooms.
The Lead Friend came home from his furnace towards evening, and saw the housekeeping, and saw also that now not one but three thresholdswere gilded a hand's thickness.
When the Lead Friend came home in the evening, he saw that not three but seven thresholds had a hand's thickness of gold on them.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thresholds" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.