After hitting upon this plan, the better it seemed the more they thrashed it over.
He said nothing about it to Jack Cockrell and his chum, the merman, and they greedily listened to the gossip of the petty officers or thrashed out theories of their own.
He again thrashed them, and with the greatest ease.
He thrashed them soundly in detail without getting so much as a scratch.
The spinnaker went into the sea, the topsail thrashed half-way up the mast, and Red Rose listed until the water was deep on her lee deck.
For all that, the halyard made some noise and the sail thrashed in the fresh breeze, until they hauled the sheets and Wyndham got her round.
Dark rocks towered above her mast and the sails thrashed and filled in the conflicting gusts, but the water got smooth and the harbor opened up.
Any man who disregarded the potentate's summons was thrashed by him, and thrashed in such a way that for three days he was prostrate.
Two officers and forty men were present; they fell upon the three farmers, and when finally the major commanded them to stop, they dragged them to the barracks and thrashed them so that the people in adjacent houses heard them all the night.
This was doubtless due to the fact that from the time of his intrusion upon his father's moment of weakness he was soundly thrashed every morning before breakfast, and spanked before retiring at night, as a preliminary to his prayers.
His bulging eyes glared ahead over the sea; into the air flew a thousand fragments of shattered rock; they fell and thrashed the sea into foam a mile from shore.
He hauled Ceddie into the big classroom, and made the janitor hold him over a chair, and then thrashed him simply brutally, before all the school.
I don't suppose his uncle will exactly kill the fatted calf for him, but he won't be thrashed or sent back to school.
Out from the fallen mass rushed a billow which gushed across the channel, thrashed against the high bank, then inundated it until the alder thickets on its crest whipped their tips madly.
Off goes puss to this neighbour's house, and havingthrashed the mother to begin with, she kidnapped and carried home one of her family.
The more this spirited pussy wasthrashed however, the louder it sang; so the old cat left the room in disgust.
A cat with whom Muffie had never had any words before, once looked into the room, Muffie drove her out with terrible suddenness, and thrashed her properly outside the door.
Some lazy souls can never do their uttermost unless they arethrashed up to it.
On the other hand, he never thrashed a dog, unless he considered that the dog had deserved it.
She is to marry an earl," I cried, tho' I had thrashed another lad for saying so.
The fear of Mr. Carvel's displeasure passed from my mind so that I cared not how soundly he thrashed me, and my heart filled with a yearning, born of the instant, for that simple and brave old gentleman.
You may be sure I was wellthrashed by Mr. Carvel, who thought the more of the latter misdoing, though obliged to emphasize the former.
I said that I should never marry you, sir, who was so rough and masterful, and thrashed every lad that did not agree with you.
I think, could I have laid hands on the rector then, I would have thrashed him, cloth and all, within an inch of his life.
They went through the meetings, of course, and thrashed over the list of horses entered at Ipswich, and York, and Newmarket, and how many were thought to be pulled.
Well I remember how he tossed me in his arms under that tree when I had thrashed another lad for speaking ill of him.
He knows I thrashed him; and he does not want any more of it.
This part of the experiment, however, was frustrated by the carelessness of the men who thrashed out the wheat.
I measured off a land which had been so manured, and reaped and thrashed it out separately.
One of us handing two of these whips to a companion to take his choice, we stood up close together and thrashed each other on the legs until one succumbed to the intolerable pain and thus lost the game.
Nature streaming into us, wooingly teaching her wonderful glowing lessons, so unlike the dismal grammar ashes and cinders so long thrashed into us.
It was a face in which boldness struggled for the supremacy with cunning, and both werethrashed into subjection by avarice.
It is uncertain what he might have done to us if the tender-hearted captain had not thrashed him into his cabin with a knotted hawser, and told us to go on deck.
The tinker and Robin then fought manfully, and the fray lasted three hours, or more, but at length the tinker thrashed Robin's bones so sore, that he made him cry out for peace.
Here is a tinker standing by," said Robin, "that has thrashed my bones sore.
The harbors were fathoms deep, and the waves thrashed by a cross wind often proved as dangerous as the high sea.
Yelling like an Indian, he danced and thrashed about, while the others, without an exception, made haste to retreat from the zone of danger.
I did it on my own account, although I will confess it afforded me additional satisfaction because of his boast that he had thrashed you.
When the retreat of this confused and enraged Muscovite mob commenced we expected every moment to be despatched by these well-thrashed drunken brutes.
Selecting one of these cowards, the biggest she could find, this dame thrashed him right well, holding him with a grip of iron all the time.
The 88th first met the Imperial Guards of France on the memorable field of Talavera, and well thrashed them.
Although they had just thrashed us, we were not going to give up the game for one black eye.
But you will have heard that we have thrashed the enemy again, on two different fields.
We had three days continuous fighting; and it was of such a nature that it considerably damped their ardour for the fray, and thrashed all the wild fanaticism out of them.
And although we had lost our brave Colonel and Adjutant, and almost all our officers had been hit more or less, still that indomitable pluck that will carry a Briton through fire and water was not all thrashed out of us.
We then made sure that we should be all bayoneted; but no, all the pluck and vodkie was fairly thrashed out of them.
You will get thrashed sometimes, no doubt, but don't mind that.
Look how we thrashedthe French here, and they were just as well drilled as our soldiers, and there were twice as many of them.
He thrashedher with a big whip for a fortnight, till he taught her not to.
His hind legs had been nearly pulled off more than once, twice he had been hanged, every week he was thrashed till he was half dead, but he always revived.
He so resented this that on his return home he thrashed his children, swore at his mother, and got drunk.
When they were caught in the barn and thrashed again, they would go away to smoke by the river .
Fires sprang up among the underbrush, and falling upon them with the ax and spade they savagely thrashed them out.
Darkness shut down on them suddenly as they thrashed her out to westward full and by, lurching with flooded decks over the charging seas.
It was blowing moderately fresh, and the sloop was very wet, for the tide was running with her and she thrashed on at a great pace pitching the water all over, while the red twinkle ahead grew steadily higher and brighter.
They thrashed her out for two anxious hours, since it appeared doubtful that she would come round and a failure to stay her would be perilous in the extreme, but at last Jake called to the boys.
As she had come up nearly head to wind, her mainsail thrashed furiously, jerking the boom up out of the sea every now and then and letting it splash in again, while the flapping jib seemed likely to snap off the head of her rattling mast.
When it drew ahead they stowed their canvas and thrashed the lean hull through the seas with their long oars.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thrashed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.