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Example sentences for "thousand pound"

  • Do you hear, sir, you have got a thousand pound by the bargain; but much good may it do you.

  • I would not deal amiss with any man for a thousand pound.

  • I would not use it, sir, to hinder any man for a thousand pound; For indeed I am a clergyman by my profession.

  • So he doth you, my lord; and said this other day you ought him a thousand pound.

  • I'll see thee damned ere I call thee coward: but I would give a thousand pound I could run as fast as thou canst.

  • I will give thee for it a thousand pound: ask me when thou wilt, and thou shalt have it.

  • So he doth you, my lord, and said this other day you ought him a thousand pound.

  • I will give thee for it a thousand pound.

  • I'll see thee damn'd ere I call thee coward, but I would give a thousand pound I could run as fast as thou canst.

  • Thus there received me the comforts of woman's milk.

  • I had rather than a thousand pound, I had an heart but half so light as yours.

  • Now judge the rest by this: Suppose your daughter have a thousand pound, He did consume me more in one half year; And make him heir to all the wealth you have, One twelvemonth's rioting will waste it all.

  • What though I have broke a thousand pound in my creditor's debt--yet if another will discharge the whole freely, what has the law to do with me as to that?

  • I buy a thousand pound a year; I buy a rope.

  • O good Horatio, I'll take the ghost's word for a thousand pound!

  • He made it straunge, and swoor, so god him save, Lasse than a thousand pound he wolde nat have, Ne gladly for that somme he wolde nat goon.

  • Aurelius, with blisful herte anoon, Answerde thus, 'fy on a thousand pound!

  • I bihighte Of pured gold a thousand pound of wighte 1560 Un-to this philosophre!

  • Ile see thee damn'd ere I call the Coward: but I would giue a thousand pound I could run as fast as thou canst.

  • I will giue thee for it a thousand pound: Aske me when thou wilt, and thou shalt haue it Poin.

  • So he doth you, my Lord, and sayde this other day, You ought him a thousand pound Prince.

  • Christian Custance have I found; Christian Custance have I found; A widow worth a thousand pound: I mun be married a Sunday.

  • Would I might, for your sake, spend a thousand pound land.

  • If his arms and his feet be not fast bound, I will not proffer a stripe for a thousand pound.

  • Telemachus, lie down upright on the ground, And stir not once for a thousand pound.

  • What do 'e think o' a thousand pound for a sawl?

  • An' he've sent Joan a thousand pound o' paper money to shaw as 'e means the right thing.

  • A contrivance to bring my son to reason, and it has made him stark mad; I have lost him, and a thousand pound a year.

  • What, pretend a command over me, after his settlement of a thousand pound a year upon me!

  • Now here's a cheque for a thousand pound as you can cash with Cox & Co.

  • There's a cheque for a thousand pound as would send him to the war fitted out like a gentleman, and he won't touch that.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thousand pound" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cause the; crime has been committed; nitrous ether; poor wife; thousand crowns; thousand different; thousand diners; thousand dollars; thousand ducats; thousand eyes; thousand feet; thousand fragments; thousand generations; thousand guineas; thousand horse; thousand miles; thousand pardons; thousand pistoles; thousand pounds; thousand sequins; thousand talents; thousand thousand; thousand times; thousand worlds; usually single; young brother