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Example sentences for "thirty drops"

  • When the pains are severe, particularly in the weak and irritable, twenty or thirty drops of laudanum should be given, and may be repeated in a few hours if the symptoms are not improved.

  • The dose of the tincture of the buds in ether is from eight to thirty drops.

  • I have often exhibited twenty to thirty drops of chloroform with an equal quantity of laudanum with excellent results.

  • When these fail, it may sometimes be relieved by a prescription containing sulphuric acid and morphia, and at others by enemata of from twenty to thirty drops of laudanum in warm water.

  • I prefer the deodorized tincture, twenty or thirty drops, repeated if necessary in an hour or two, but I have seen good results from the solid opium and from the hypodermic injection of morphia.

  • Probably the best rule is to give from twenty to thirty drops of laudanum, or an equivalent dose of some other liquid preparation of opium, in a little brandy and water, and repeat the dose as often as a stool is voided.

  • Other medicines: Sulphate of zinc, ten to twenty grains at a dose, in a cup of warm water; or fluid extract of ipecac fifteen to thirty drops, or syrup of ipecac one teaspoonful.

  • If the suffering is intense use an injection of thirty drops of laudanum to two quarts of water.

  • The wine or tincture of colchicum in doses of twenty to thirty drops may be given every four hours in combination with the citrate of potash, fifteen grains, or the citrate of lithium five to ten grains.

  • For the severe bloating enemas containing turpentine should be given, one to two to six ounces of water used with ten to thirty drops of turpentine in it; sometimes it is necessary to resort to surgery.

  • It should be given as low as the first dilution, and the tincture, in water, in the proportion of thirty drops to half a pint, injected into the vagina quite warm.

  • Hepar Sulphur is a specific for Itch and Scald Head, applied in form of a wash with twenty to thirty drops of tr.

  • Rhus Tox, applied, with water at the strength of thirty drops of the tr.

  • Thirty drops of the tincture should be mixed with a wineglassful of rosewater for making this lotion, which may be used several times in the day.

  • The infusion, or the liquid extract, acts as a mild but efficient sedative in nervous indigestion, from twenty to thirty drops of the latter being given for a dose.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thirty drops" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being elected; certain general; comitia tributa; found both; green foliage; hundred yards; large crown; magnesium carbonate; mournful smile; naught save; naughty girl; pale green; resisting medium; single day; thirty days; thirty dollars; thirty grains; thirty inches; thirty millions; thirty minutes; thirty pounds; thirty shillings; thirty thousand; thirty yards; thirty years; will thee