We then continued on and after fording four creeks on an average about a rod wide, we arrived at Fort Bridger which is proved by the roadometer to be 397 miles from Fort John.
He drew out the paper he had written, set the seal he wore on his first finger to it, folded it neatly, then continued with an evil smile, "Mind I say naught in it against thee.
He turned on his heel as he spoke; then continued nonchalantly: "Will your Majesty choose sides?
Darrell exclaimed; then continued, passionately: "The last three weeks have been torture to me if I but allowed myself one moment's thought.
The stranger rubbed absently at a long scar across one cheek, then continued, as though to himself, "Damn me, I should have guessed all along this would be the way.
He waited till it died away, then continued, in a more moderate tone.
He paused a moment, then continued, in barely audible Portuguese.
Williams, then continued, "All what, I would like to know.
Mrs. White waited a few moments, then continued: "What I have said in regard to applying the rule is in full accord with the teachings of Jesus Christ wherein He demonstrated the necessity of us working out our own salvation.
He paused again, then continued:-- "And when one thinks that none of these things would have happened if they had hung Voltaire and sent Rousseau to the galleys!
The guerilla gazed for a moment at the other sentries, dim shadowy forms in the early dawn; then continued on his way.
Lloyd and his friend, Major Goddard, watched Nancy and her companions out of sight; then continued on their way to Wormley's Hotel, each busy with his own thoughts.
I turned on the hot water again, nice and noisy, then continued.
Noda acknowledged the deep bows of several of the shirt-sleeved staff, then continued.
He then continued down it, till at the distance of three quarters of a mile he saw the entrance of the small river he had just passed; as he went on two miles lower down, he found the mouth of the creek he had seen in the morning.
We then continued to a sandbar on the north side, where we encamped, having come twenty and a half miles.
Jadar paused reflectively for a moment, then continued.
He looked down and inspected his manicured nails for a long moment, then continued.
He waited a moment, then continued: 'Now about Miss Wake's scheme.
He said as much, then continued, "So if you need me to do anything, you'll have to tell me.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "then continued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.