Thar rychtwysnes is lowyt our the lawe; Tharfor in hewyn he sall that honour hawe.
Martyr thow art for Scotlandis rycht and me; I sall the wenge, or ellis tharfor de.
Tharfor apon gret hardyment He suddanly set his entent, And gert all wyde set vp the [gh]et, 185 And the fyre that he fand tharat With strinth of men he put avay.
This sexten yer I haiff beyn on the se, ‘And doyn gret harm; tharfor full wa is me.
Bot Wallace raiss as chyftane him allayn; Tharfortill him is no comparisoun, As off a man, sauff reuerence off the croun.
With my gud will I wyll no lemman be “To no man born, tharfor me think suld yhe “Desyr me nocht bot intill gudlynes.
Wallace said; “Deym, he sall weill lowsyt be “Be none to morn, or ma tharfor sall de.
His fadyr was in contrar off my crown; “Tharfor as now he bidis in our presoun.
Wallace awowide, that he suld wrokyn be 735 On that rebald, or ellis tharfor to de.
The rewlm off France he wowit he suld neuir se, Bot weng Wallace, or ellis tharfor to de.
A keyn capdane than clemyt in heretage Office off it, and gret landis in wage; Tharfor he thocht gud Wallace for to sla.
With him thai war, and put in story all, Offt ane or bath, mekill of his trauaill; And tharfor her I mak off thaim mencioune.
Thai left the feild, syne to thair power fled, 860 And tald thair lord how ewill the formest sped, Quhilk Graystok hecht, was new cummyn in the land; Tharfor he trowit nane durst agayne him stand.
Was nayn off thaim that durst it wndirtak He had done wrang, nor tharfor battaill mak.
Tharfor desist of thi strenth to haue dreid, Or me to pray in ocht at thou hes neyd; For in sic cacis thar nedis na request: 5 Am I nocht reddy to fulfill thy behest?
Tharfor lat ws with cruell hand in this sted Lay als feill corpsis of the Troianys ded; 20 For with na les numbir slane vnder scheild, Nor les honour, sall thou wend of the feild.
Tharfor thai suffir panys and torment, For thar inveterat vycis ald bywent By punitioun satisfactioun to mak.
Tharfor was gevin consell to August Octavian, the empriour, that eftir his commotioun, or euer he did or said ocht, he suld wryte xxiiij lettiris.
Tharfor to God thou Èeild the and obey: The power of goddys ar turnyt in thy contrar: Obey to God.
Tharfor prevely sperit he Gif ony man mycht fundin be, That couth ony gude jupardye 524 To clym the wallis prevelye; And he suld haf his warisoune.
Tharfor thai tuk westward the way, And by Carlele hame went ar thai 890 With prayis and with presoneris, And othir gudis on seir maneris.
Tharfor that bargane callit was "The Chaptour of Mytoune;" for thare Slayn sa mony prestis ware.
Tharfor is gud we ordane now 275 "How we may let thame of purpos, "And swa to thame the wayis clos "That thai pas nocht but gret lettyng.
Tharfor thai thoucht in the mornyng Till ysche, but langer delaying, And till suppris thame suddanely; For thai thoucht thai suld traistly ly, 120 For the trewis that taken war.
Tharfor his hardyment hastely Thoucht weill it mycht be undirtane, Sen that anis mycht assale bot ane.
Tharfor thre dykis ourthwort he schar, 172 Fra bath the mosis to the way: That war sa fer fra othir, that thai War in-twyn a bow-draucht and mar.
Tharfor he walde abyde and se 96 Quhat folk thai war, and quethir thai Held toward him the richt way; Or passyt ane othir way fer by: The moyn wes schynand rycht cleirly.
Tharfor I wald fayne set my will, Giff my wyt mycht suffice thartill, To put in wryt a suthfast story, That it lest ay furth in memory, Swa that na tyme of lenth it let, 15 Na ger it haly be forget.
I've gin it all sorts o' trials, tharfor I know it's good for plum center at a hundred an' fifty paces.
Tharfor they purpiss approachin' the shanty unobserved, and makin' a surround o' it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tharfor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.