Unlimited inflation would probably bring about specie payments more speedily than any legislation looking to redemption of the legal-tenders in coin; but it would be at the expense of honor.
Would it not be just as honest and prudent to authorize each debtor to issue his own legal-tenders to the extent of his liabilities?
The legal-tenders would have no value beyond settling present liabilities, or, properly speaking, repudiating them.
After everybody was seated, Bob told the stock-tenders to "turn 'em loose.
Shortly after daylight twenty well-armed stage-drivers, stock-tenders and ranchmen were galloping in the direction of the dug-out.
The result of this application for designs and tenders is, upon the whole, very satisfactory, although two of the parties from whom I had hoped to have received proposals have not been able to send any.
The Board agreed to adopt his recommendations, and to accept the tenders of Mr. Scott Russell for the ship and paddle engines, and that of Messrs.
According to your instructions, I applied to the several parties with whom I had previously been in communication on the subject of the engines and ship, for tenders for their supply.
A meeting of the Directors was held on May 18, when Mr. Brunel submitted the various tenders he had received.
In this view of the case, if you agree with me, I think you will consider that, provided the prices are fair individually, the relative amount of the tenders is a secondary consideration.
The tenders succeeded in chasing the French from their guns; the boats reached the shore before any of the French could be opposite to them.
In order to render the disembarkation more safe, he had previously ordered two tenders to attack a battery, which had been placed on a mount towards the right, and which was well situated for annoying the boats on their approach.
On September 29th the Council accepted tenders for the construction of sewerage and surface water sewers in district No.
But one of the American muletenders made an affidavit to the truth at Liverpool and forwarded it to the American Embassy in London and three others made affidavit to the same facts on their return to New Orleans.
Think yourself a baby That you have ta'en these tenders for true pay, Which are not sterling.
He hath, my lord, of late made many tenders Of his affection to me.
Tear for tear and loving kiss for kiss Thy brother Marcus tenderson thy lips.
But if it be intended to redeem the legal tenders in gold, what will have been the net gain to the Government in the whole transaction?
It is believed that half a dozen frigates, with as many Tenders or Xebecs, one half of which shall be in cruise, while the other half is at rest, will suffice.
Tenders of engines, their water holding capacities, 219.
When the ball is within the goal-line the goal-tenders shall not be allowed any artificial support other than the bottom of the tank.
In a few places efforts are being made, I am told, to provide these baby-tenders with educational advantages, but the movement is as yet small.
Bristol tenders cruised the channel of that names keeping a sharp eye on Lundy Island and the Holmes, where shipmasters were wont to play them tricks if they were not watchful.
Tenders from Greenwich and Blackwall ransacked the Thames below bridge as far as Blackstakes in the river Medway, the Nore and the Swin channel.
Tenders from Margate, Ramsgate, Deal and Dover watched the lower Thames estuary, swept the Downs, and kept a sharp lookout along the coasts of Kent and Sussex, of Essex and of Norfolk.
He was to be put out of the way, as soon as might be after the fatal conditions prevailing on board His Majesty's tenders had done their work, with as great a show of decency as could be extracted from the sum of ten shillings.
While press-warrants were supplied regularly to every warship, no matter what her rating, the supply of tenders was less general and much more erratic.
The scale of victualling on board the tenders was supposed to be the same as on shore.
All the tenders were burning Coston lights, and from several boats yachtsmen were sending off rockets which striped the pall of fog with bizarre colorings.
Yacht tenders were making their rounds, carrying parties who were paying and returning calls, and these boats were avoiding each other by loud hails.
A dozen yacht tenders flocked in a flotilla near the stern of a rusty old schooner.
Shadows of men in the tenders were thrown against the fog-screen in grotesque outline, and a spirit crew appeared to be toiling in the top-hamper of the old schooner.
Tenders are daily passing down the river, filled with seamen and marines, bound to America.
Here we were transferred to several tenders in order to be transported to Chatham.
Forced payments, and forced tenders of paper, is the law of the whig administration!
Tenders of Honorary Degrees from Oxford and Cambridge.
The ward tenders and the interne stared at her blankly; the nurses looked down in unconscious comment on the twisted figure by their side.
Then when one of the ward tenders had wheeled the muffled figure into the corridor, she hurried across to the office.
In addition to these the revenue cutters and lighthouse tenders were turned over to the Navy Department and became temporarily a part of the auxiliary Navy.
Moreover, these tenders would be well able to take the ground in the harbours which dried out.
In the hour of her triumph she seeks no bloody vengeance, but tenders a magnanimous forgiveness to her repenting children, wooing them back to the shelter of re-established liberty and vindicated law.
Negroes also served as crewmen at several lighthouses and on tenders in the Mississippi River basin; all were survivors of the transfer of the Lighthouse Service to the Coast Guard in 1939.
Further refining the plan for the General Board on 24 February, Admiral Waesche listed eighteen vessels, mostly buoy tendersand patrol boats, that would be assigned black crews.
There were at least four higher tenders than his, and Manley contracted only for L8259.
I smoked and shook hands with him, and accepted his tenders of friendship by re-pledging the pipe, but narrowed his visit to official proprieties, and refused his wampum.
Professor Silliman renews his friendly correspondence, and tenders me the use of the pages of his journal, as the medium of communicating observations to the public.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tenders" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.