You see, I shall be reduced to the necessity of tagging on to one of these couples, or of marrying some one myself for the sake of having a travelling companion, unless you and papa come over here and look after me a bit.
Mr. Leonard, who treat me with studied politeness, although I am quite sure that they would rather have me in the lake or anywhere else than just where I am, tagging after them.
I can't always be tagging around after you while you are providing, you know; and we may as well begin to be civilized again.
Any player succeeding in tagging the chief becomes the chief.
If the hunter succeeds in tagging a fox, the two exchange places, the fox becoming the hunter.
If the frog succeeds in tagging any of the other players, that player must take his place.
If he succeeds in tagging one, that one takes his place in the circle and the game continues.
It will be seen that the geese all may co-operate with the gander by doubling and redoubling their line to prevent the fox from tagging the last goose.
The individual wins who succeeds in taggingout all those of his number.
Each player tagged, helps "It" in taggingthe others.
Whenever a guard succeeds in tagging a player, the chief and his guards return home, whereupon the player tagged changes places with the man who tagged him.
If either of the men making up the "It" couple succeeds in tagging either man of another couple, that group is "It".
In case two red coats discover the same farmer the one first tagging him shall count and shall race with him for the goal.
He then runs across the distance line and back, tagging off the next player, who repeats his performance.
The three come forth, and the two players who act as body guards clasp each other by the hand, and preceding the chief as a shield, endeavor to prevent the other players at large from tagging the chief.
Should a group succeed in tagging the rear of the line in front, but it is found that their own line is broken through the effort, it does not count.
The boy called him "Uncle Darcy," tagging after him like a shadow, and feeling a kinship in their mutual love of adventure which drew as strongly as family ties.
I was always tagging around after Uncle Darcy, as I called him.
Instead of tagging Captain Kidd with my hand I touch him with a rainbow, and it's lots harder to do because you can't always make it light where you want it to go, or where you think it is going to fall.
That's a beautiful game you and Dicky were playing this morning," he remarked presently, "tagging each other with rainbows.
Richard joined her at the foot of the Green Stairs with the price of his own ticket in his pocket, and Captain Kidd tagging at his heels.
We got it from the ridge, the same way we got the David tagging you.
They couldn't slip up behind us and start tagging us.
That long-laiged Endicott boy's always beentagging her other summers.
Tagging is his worst offense--tagging along behind when you are engaged on serious business.
Spotted him in the Astor dining-room, and he's been tagging along after us ever since.
And the way he's tagging around after us now seems to indicate as much.
Freddy Farmer scowled and hesitated, but finally decided that any questions would only fall on deaf ears, and went tagging along after Dawson as the Yank barged out through the office door.
Women peered anxiously at him from their hovels or scudded among the scattered bowlders on the hill, with children tagging wearily after them and clinging to their skirts.
Worse were it if the rascals came rattling their spurs and tagging at the tails of our daughters and our wives.
We see great cities tagging Wilbur Wright, and emperors clinging to the skirts of Count Zeppelin.
The second contestant in turn, runs to the board, writes the word pronounced to him and in like manner returns to the end of the file, tagging as he does so the third contestant.
If the catcher succeeds in tagging them before they clasp hands, the one he does not touch becomes his partner and they take their place at the front of the line.
He shrugged and continued his upward climb, with metagging after the bobbing pink taillight.
I'm so glad Syl is not tagging on, Joan," she said.
Nancy would be the same girl, but he'd get to puzzling over her and tagging ideas on her--and to what end, Doris?
What a plague you are, taggingaround when people don't want you.
It is not possible to identify the numbers on the spaghetti tag of a moving animal, although color codes may be used to indicate different species, populations, or tagging areas.
The success of any tagging program using static tags depends on the resighting of tagged animals and the recovery of tags.
More recent tagging developments relate to marks which will be visible on a free-swimming animal.
Because they often ride the bow wave of a moving vessel, thereby making themselves accessible for taggingand capture, small porpoises and dolphins have been tagged with a greater variety of marks than large whales.
Other static tagging techniques currently under investigation include the use of laser beams to apply small brands and the use of gas branding devices.
The following brief summary of major methods of tagging cetaceans is provided to acquaint the reader with markers he may expect to see in the western North Atlantic.
Why, Boyd was only a small boy, usually tagging his impatient elders, not this tall, almost exact copy of his dead brother.
They're so used to tagging after me all their lives, you know, and so I just asked her in, though I was dreadfully afraid you would all be against it.
Worst of all, far behind her, sounded the unmistakable tagging step of some stealthy creature.
To escape the strangle of it, you fled to the beach with Bruno-Clarice tagging in mournful excitement at your heels, his smutty nose all a-sniff with the foreboding leathery smell of trunks and bags.
So up he rushed to get that contract, with Mr. Author tagging at his heels.
It appears easy for a performer to stroll into a theatre, without bothersome scenery, props, or tagging people, and walk right out on the stage alone and set the house a-roar.
I do like him, but there’s a wide difference between liking a man and wanting to have him tagging along behind all the time.
Oh, as to that, I don’t believe that der Herr von Ibn will stay enough behind to be considered as tagging very long.
Meanwhile, Betty, with Davy tagging after her, and Bob frisking on ahead, had started up the steps to her own little room in the west gable.
Come up to my room, Lloyd," called Betty, stopping at the parlour door, with Davy tagging behind her.
I don't see how you stand them tagging after you all the time.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tagging" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.