The oil feeds (on the syphon principle) through the medium of the wick or worsted, which should not fit the tube tight but quite easily, its upper ends hanging over the top of the tube to the bottom of the cup.
When full, the end must be pinched and brought down to the ground to deliver in a basin; it will then act as a syphon and the contents of the stomach will be syphoned off.
The upper end of this tube is closed by a thistle-head funnel with syphon, and in the bend of the syphon a little mercury serves as a valve.
After a sufficient quantity for examination has been withdrawn the syphon process may be {544} substituted.
Some of the forms of non-syphon traps in common use are: The Flask Trap, Fig.
After years of experimenting to produce a trap that would not syphon without venting, we find in use today a large variety of non-syphoning traps.
Keeps a syphon wid de figgurs on de slate—de queerest figgurs I ebber did see.
And den he keep a syphon all de time——†“Keeps a what, Jupiter?
When the cooled water sinks, a syphon action is formed that tends to draw the hot water from the cylinder jackets, and the automatic circulation will thus continue as long as the successive heating and cooling take place.
The second method is known as the thermo-syphon system because the circulation is automatic and depends upon the cooling of the water in the radiator.
The increased number of explosions and the higher speed at which the fan turns also cause quicker heating and cooling of the water by the thermo-syphon system, thus forming a more rapid circulation.
I found by the syphon barometer that our height above the sea was here 1579 feet.
I commenced a series of observations with a syphon barometer (made by Bunten of Paris).
And den he keep a syphon all de time--" "Keeps a what, Jupiter?
Keeps a syphon wid de figgurs on de slate--de queerest figgurs I ebber did see.
The usual water bag andsyphon were suspended at his elbow above sparklet and brandy bottles, and a box of cigars.
On the table beside him was a tall glass, a decanter of cognac and a box of cigars; and suspended from the roof swung a canvas bag of water with a syphon attachment.
As he placed his glass under the syphon he broke the long silence.
Bring the glasses, a syphon of soda water, and the whisky," Jim said in a strained voice.
Without removing the fatty acids from the beaker, add about 300 cubic centimeters of hot water, cool, syphon off the water through the same filter used before and wash again.
Cool by placing the beaker in ice and syphon off the acid water through a filter.
His daughter came in with a little silver tray on which there was a small decanter of whisky, a glass, and a syphon of soda-water.
You just come along," said the keeper; and Cyril dared not oppose him with violence, because just then the syphon began to slip again.
In this filter the lamp cotton acts as a syphon through the capillary pores which it forms.
The syphon is of course first filled with water, and as that is displaced, the oil of vitriol takes its place.
The syphon for drawing off the cold water, and bringing the hot down close to the bulb of C C.
Control these experiments, but in this instance syphon off portions of the suspension at intervals of one-half to one minute during the five or ten minutes preceding the previously determined death-point.
Remove the serum with sterile pipettes, or syphon it off, and fill into sterile tubes (5 c.
Bent syphon tube, with pipette nozzle attached by means of rubber tubing and fitted with pinch-cock.
With the syphon arrangement the iron pipes must be laid down the slopes of the cutting and under the road-bed of the permanent way.
As a precautionary measure, it is well to place iron gratings some little distance in advance of the syphon pipes to intercept and collect any brushwood, straw, or other things which might be brought down with the stream.
You may think me hasty in my judgments, but it was practically on account of the syphon incident that I left.
On a little stool in the corner stood the half-emptied decanter of brandy and a glass and a syphon of soda-water.
Pipes from these tuns communicate with a couple of small reservoirs, each of them provided with half-a-dozen self-acting syphon taps, by means of which a like number of bottles are simultaneously filled.
This was a device for making coffee by distillation, employing a metal globesyphon and brewer with filter cloth.
When it becomes still, the gas flame is turned down, and clear coffee is syphoned over into the globe through the syphon tube, on the end of which, as it rests in the coffee liquid, there is a metal strainer covered with a filter cloth.
I was only in the room just time enough to place the syphon on the table and withdraw.
When I returned with the syphonhe was engaged in conversation over the wire.
The burette with syphon arrangement, figured on page 52, is used.
Fill the bottle completely with water, allow to settle, and syphon off the clear liquid; pour on more water, shake gently to break up the lumps, and again fill the bottle with water.
The bottle containing the standard solution is connected with the burette by a syphon arrangement through the glass tube and T-piece.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "syphon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.