Judging from the summarised reports, it did seem desirable.
Neither rejoiced, but to despair The Masses added a note of ingenuous surprise as it summarised the contest as a whole.
Such, gentlemen, are to my mind the circumstances of the time, as far as they can be conveniently and concisely summarised in an election address.
His writings on natural history are chiefly scattered through the volumes of the Proceedings of the Zoological Society and The Ibis; the whole being summarised in his Catalogue of the Mammals of South China and Formosa (P.
The general facts of Palaeontology, as bearing on the migrations of animal groups, are summarised in my Geographical Distribution of Animals, Vol.
I should imagine that he revised a good deal and sometimes imparted his nervous and manly, but, in his own Contes, sometimes too much summarised style.
The millions of years of stimulating change and struggle which we have summarised have resulted in the production of a fish which walks on four limbs (as the South American mud-fish does to-day), and breathes the atmosphere.
This contrast has furnished a theme to many writers, and has been ablysummarised by Ure,[369] who quotes in support pregnant passages from the works of H.
Let us first deal with Type A, the distribution of which was summarised in the last chapter.
Gaston Paris has sketched in Romania and summarised in his Manuel, but has not developed in book form, a view of the Arthurian romances different from his father's and from that given in the text.
In conclusion, the chief points in any discussion of this subject may be summarised thus: 1.
The condition and extent of the Press in 1852 issummarised in the statement prepared by the Syndics for the Royal Commission.
Now if you offset these discreditable features by the creditable ones summarised in a preceding paragraph beginning with the words, 'These facts are all on the credit side,' and strike a balance, what must the verdict be?
He was one of the two very rich men of the place, and Pinkerton was the other.
Claude and I were to separate, and scatter abroad over France.
Two days will certainly finish the remaining morsels.
My foolish father roared again with jejune delight, and allowed the impression to remain that he was not accustomed to count his hooks and keep sharp watch over them.
Merton College, which had also been the source of Anthony Wood's account, assummarised in the text.
The above account is summarised from the chapter in Hirsch, Geog.
The total result may be summarised by simply giving a list of the various tissues, and the corresponding embryonic layer from which they come.
The precise effects of motion on pitch are summarised in the following table:-- Changes of Frequency due to Motion.
When a physical phenomenon is concerned with the ultimate atoms of matter, it is often relegated at present to the field of knowledge summarised under the head of Chemistry.
The method may be briefly summarised thus: An observer in one part of the earth would see Venus cross the disc of the sun along a different path from that seen by another observer, as will be clear from the diagram.
Christ at the beginning of His ministry summarised as teaching and preaching and healing all manner of diseases.
By no means confident that the eternal truths enunciated by Mrs. Chapone would penetrate Maria’s female intellect, Allan prudently summarised the most sacred verities of the volume in two manuscript introductions.
But of the usual preliminaries of whaling recounted by Browne and summarised in the chantey, Melville says not a word, either in Moby-Dick or elsewhere.
Common gossip in China thus fairly summarised their attitude in certain crises of this kind.
An orator cannot reasonably be held accountable for every detail of his orations, but Mr Burlingame's mission may be most favourably summarised by a few carefully chosen words of his own:-- 1st.
The facts now very brieflysummarised amount almost to a demonstration that man, in his bodily structure, has been derived from the lower animals, of which he is the culminating development.
Footnote 201: This explanation is derived from Weismann's Theory of the Continuity of the Germ-Plasm assummarised in Nature.
It will be unnecessary, therefore, to give details here, but the main facts will be summarised in order to call attention to some difficulties of the theory which seem to require further elucidation.
The remaining articles, as originally proposed, may be summarised as follows:-- 87.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "summarised" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.