Such are the passages in which the poet contemplates the joys of heaven.
It tells us of a man who contemplates the erection of a tower.
The Democratic Control of Industry" contemplates the progressive elimination of the private capitalist and the setting free of all who work by hand and brain for the welfare of all.
He contemplates such duties as are to be done in such a world as ours was then and is now, as the essential sphere in which the heavenly spirit must be formed in man.
And he laughed the strange hollow laugh of a man who contemplates revenge.
It struck me that he contemplatesrevenge upon poor Mabel.
He here contemplatesthe possibility of yielding to persecution and threats.
The through-the-week meeting that contemplates the deepening of interest in other lands must be recreational and social.
I take the former meaning as the more probable one, that the Apostle contemplates that great will of God which culminates in Jesus Christ, as coming solemnly sweeping through all the epochs of time from the beginning.
It does contemplate victory in the evil day, but it also contemplates that after we have withstood, we have still to stand and be ready for another attack to-morrow.
But he loved human nature so much more that when he contemplates natural objects he thinks of them in terms of humanity.
She contemplates the meeting of him who is to be the partner of her life; can she reconcile it?
A thrill of commiseration seizes him as he contemplates his once joyous master now in prison; but, misgivings being useless, onward he goes.
One never contemplates these wonders without regretting that so much mechanical genius should have been mis-expended upon objects by which mankind are no gainers beyond a little fleeting gratification.
The eastern man contemplates and adores, while his rival, less happy in contemplation, is more so in acting.
The most repellent part of the imprecation, that which contemplates the dreadful destruction of tender infants, has its harshness somewhat softened by the fact that it is the echo of Isaiah's prophecy concerning Babylon (Isa.
The Mohawk Institute contemplates the receiving of pupils who have reached a certain standard of proficiency, their boarding, and their education.
Bonaparte feels tears in his eyes; deeply moved, he foots up all these loyalties, and contemplates all these creatures with profound emotion.
These remarks show that we do not transfer our sensations to the exterior, that they are a medium whereby our soul is informed, but not images wherein it contemplates its objects.
Reason contemplates things not as contingent but necessary; and whoever has a true idea, knows certainly that his idea is true.
Astronomy is the science thatcontemplates the courses of the heavenly bodies and their figures, and all the phenomena of the stars.
In view of its present sojourn in strange parts the church is called Sion, because from the distant viewpoint of this sojourn it contemplates the promise of heavenly things, and therefore it has received the name Sion, that is, contemplation.
I looked into Hamerton's clever book on the domestic animals, also expecting to find my divinity duly celebrated, but he passes her by and contemplates the bovine qualities only as they appear in the ox and the bull.
The Orderly forlornly contemplates the iron front presented by Mrs. Banger.
Speechless he contemplates Balsquith with a wild and ghastly stare; then reels into his chair and buries his face in his hands over the blotter.
He ends with reflections which are resigned, almost sad, and he contemplates with a tranquil look the juvenile passions he has just depicted.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contemplates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.