Sudden changes in the feed, inflammation of the rumen, and a weak peristaltic movement of the paunch resulting from disease or insufficient nourishment are frequent causes.
Sudden changes in the feed, the feeding of a succulent green ration, severe exercise when the animal is not in condition for it, and chronic indigestion may cause diarrhoea in the absence of an intestinal inflammation.
Other causes are an excessive quantity of feed, sudden changes in the diet and drinking an insufficient quantity of water.
They are quite insensible to sudden changes of light; they always travel in the dark, and never recognize obstacles placed before them.
Mr. Frank Buckland, the greatest living authority on oyster and fish culture, attributes it to sudden changes of temperature at the critical period when the spat is newly formed, rather than to over-dredging.
Sudden changes of colour are produced--changes which far exceed the same phenomena in man.
The animal should have a comfortable stall, where he will not be subjected to drafts or sudden changes of temperature; he should be blanketed and the legs kept bandaged.
Feeds that the animal is unaccustomed to, sudden changes of diet, imperfectly cured, unripe, or damaged feeds are all fruitful causes, and so are worms.
Many suffer from headache only after they have been subjected to sudden changes of temperature and have taken cold; others only when the bowels have become inactive, the liver torpid and the blood vitiated with retained poisons.
The most frequent cause of cold in the head is exposure to sudden changes in temperature, or draughts of cool air, without taking proper precaution to protect the body so as to prevent the rapid radiation of animal heat.
Among secondary and accidental causes are sudden changes of temperature, checked perspiration, and the use of indigestible food, and food and beverages in a state of incipient decomposition.
A place exposed to sudden changesof temperature is as unfit for storing cheese as it is for storing beer.
Sudden changes in the temperature of the atmosphere or of the surface of the body are therefore dangerous in predisposed persons.
Sudden changes in temperature, and especially sudden changes in barometrical pressure, sometimes excite and often aggravate the sufferings of gouty persons.
Sudden changes of temperature from cold to heat or from heat to cold develop diarrhoea.
The bad effects of sudden changes in temperature are warded off by wearing flannel next to the body.
My Dear Sir:--The object of clothing is to preserve the proper heat of the body, by protecting it both from cold and heat, and thus to prevent the injurious actions of sudden changes of temperature upon the skin.
I assured her that the real danger of sudden changes, at her age, had been greatly overrated; though danger there certainly was, in greater or less degree.
Whether she inherited a tendency to this troublesome and painful disease, which was awakened and aggravated by sudden changes of temperature, or whether the latter were the original cause of the disease, I never knew with certainty.
The lungs, doubtless, suffered greatly, and were never able to resist, as before, the effects of exposure to sudden changes of temperature.
On Sudden Changes in the Channels of Trade 363 XVIII.
Sudden changes in temperature, unclean sties, want of pure air, and imperfect light.
Exposure to sudden changes in temperature, feeding on wet lands, &c.
Sudden changes in the temperature of the atmosphere, the animal being at the same time in a state of debility, unable to resist external agencies.
Mushrooms in houses are a winter and not a summer crop, and they are impatient of sudden changes of temperature and of a hot or arid atmosphere.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sudden changes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.