To the right worshipfull Mr. Anthony Fitzherberte knight one of the kinges iustices of his comen benche and to Mr. Walter Luke esquier and to either of them.
My 60 greet joye it is to have in meditacion the bountees, the vertues, the nobley in you printed; sorowe and helle comen at ones, to suppose that I be +weyved.
For knowe thing it is, al men that desyren to comen to the perfit pees everlasting must the pees by god commended bothe mayntayne and 105 kepe.
John of Northampton had been mayor of London in 1382, when there was a dispute between the court and the citizens regarding his election; perhaps the words comen eleccion (common election), in l.
I wene, if al things ben good, I might than with the first way in that good have ended, and so by goodnesse have comen to blisse in your service desyred.
Satan's) queyntise they comen in, The curates to helpen, But that harmed hem hard And help them ful littel.
Abide a while before I do receiue thy embracementes, let me knowe whether I am comen to mine enemie, or to my sonne, or whether I am a prisoner in thy Campe, or thy mother.
The Apaches 'no comen pescado alguno, no obstante de lo que abundan sus rios.
Were they bloodhounds for tracking criminals, or hounds kept for the special behoof and pleasure of the "Lord Mair, Aldermen, and Comen Coûsel?
Not in it] Thei comen lepand þiderwarde, And þat hem fel swiþe harde.
Than comen þe apostles alle, And bi hure bigan to falle.
For elde is comen unwarly upon me, hasted by the harmes that I have, and sorow hath comaunded his age to be 10 in me.
By this manere thanne, al-thogh the prescience ne hadde never y-ben, yit algate or at the leeste weye it is certein thing, that the endes and bitydinges of thinges to comen sholden ben necessarie.
O thou maistresse of alle vertues, descended from the soverein sete, why artow comen in-to this solitarie place of myn exil?
For whennes comen elles alle thise foreyne compleyntes or quereles of pletinges, but for that men axen ayein here moneye that hath ben bi-nomen hem by force or by gyle, and alwey 50 maugre hem?
And yif men wene nat that hope ne preyeres ne han no strengthes, by the necessitee of thinges to comen y-received, what thing is ther thanne by whiche we mowen ben conioined and clyven to thilke soverein prince of thinges?
Yit natheles, 55 bihoveth it by necessitee, that either the thinges to comen ben y-purveyed of god, or elles that the thinges that ben purveyed of god bityden.
XIX ‘And, if you love me, as you saye, Soe well and hartilee, All that ever you are comen about Soone sped now itt shal bee.
XLVI Sayd, ‘And your color were white and redd, As it is blacke and browne, I wold saye Kyng Estmere and his brother Were comen untill this towne.
LIV Then bespake him Clym of the Clough, ‘With a wyle we wyl us in bryng; Let us say we be messengers, Streyght comen from our King.
Sayd, And your color were white and redd, As it is blacke and browne, I wold saye King Estmere and his brother Were comen untill this towne.
And, if you love me, as you saye, Soe well and hartilee, All that ever you are comen about Soone sped now itt shal bee.
Such god, such gomes, such gay vesselles Comen neu{er} out of kyth, to Caldee reames.
I sende you a copy closed herin, but they woll not a reeste hym within Norwich; but I undrestande ther is comen an other writte to the undrescheryff of Norfolk bothe for hym and me, and for all thoo that ben indyghted.
Plesith your goode maystrechip to witte that ther comen doune to the undrescheryff of Norwiche, a writte to a tache Mr. John P.
For joie thai wepe with her eighe; That hem so sounde y comen seighe.
The king answerd, what man artow, That art hider y comen now?
And the Constable shall ask him what man he is which is comen armed to the gate of the lists, and what name he hath, and for what cause he is comen.
And of yor procedinges in observacõn of this our request, that ye do furthwith after yor nexte comen counsell daye assertayne us by writing from you to the intent we maye have consideracõn of the same as shall appertayne.
Certes oftyn i gan take, An usage on nyth moche to wake, And prei to hevene kyng; That i moste comen to this .
For my sones that ben forlorn, That wilde bestes hath awei born, I not nouth where to wone; To wheche lond mai i fle, How longe schal i on lyve be, Sorewes comen gret wone.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.