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Example sentences for "streamlining"

Lexicographically close words:
streaming; streamlet; streamlets; streamline; streamlined; streams; streamside; streamy; streate; streek
  1. In order to ensure that the EU can continue to function efficiently with an expanded membership, the 2003 Treaty of Nice set forth rules streamlining the size and procedures of EU institutions.

  2. Government objectives include streamlining the bureaucracy and further privatization of state assets.

  3. Federation fighter craft were slim and streamlined, even though the streamlining was of no use whatever in space.

  4. There was no need for streamlining in the vacuum of space.

  5. Any consolidation, reorganization, or streamlining of agencies transferred to the Department pursuant to this Act.

  6. Such initiatives may include measures such as increasing personnel, transferring personnel to focus on areas with the largest potential for backlog, and streamlining paperwork.

  7. Always the pilots were calling for more speed, removing or streamlining whatever sources of resistance they could, picking the time for cross-country flights when conditions were favorable.

  8. Illustration: Lessons in streamlining gained from building and flying blimps became useful when barrage balloons came into the picture as a new defense weapon.

  9. Apparently the advantages of this streamlining were obvious, because it was not long before women were quietly adapting this style to bathing dresses.

  10. This streamlining of undergarments helped the lady of fashion to maintain a desirably svelte figure.

  11. They won't spin as a rifle bullet does, and so there will be no gyroscopic effect to hold them nose on, but the streamlining and the stabilizer will keep them on their course.

  12. It made this tremendous speed by streamlining and through sheer power.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "streamlining" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    clarification; disentanglement; distillation; easing; expedition; narrowing; purification; quickening; refinement; simplification; streamlining