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Example sentences for "stowing"

Lexicographically close words:
stow; stowage; stowaway; stowaways; stowed; stown; stows; stra; strabismus; strack
  1. They used as much care in throwing and tightening the lashings as though stowing the pack on a "bad" mule for a mountain-trail, rather than a cargo raft that was only to drift with the current.

  2. Busy receiving and stowing away provisions, replacing the coal consumed, and getting ready for sea generally.

  3. About the forward gangway a band of overworked stevedores were stowing in the last of the cargo, aided by a donkey engine, which every now and then broke out into a spasm of sputtering coughs.

  4. He fed the children hurriedly with some biscuits and tinned meat, and then, with a biscuit in his hand, eating as he went, he trotted about the decks, collecting things and stowing them in the dinghy.

  5. I had more than once had the hold of a slaver and the mode of stowing her human cargo described to me, but it was necessary to actually see it before the full horror and misery of the thing could be completely realised.

  6. And the knowledge of this fact made me wonder whether I had not acted rather imprudently in stowing all the lighter sails, instead of leaving them abroad to give us all the help of which they were capable.

  7. I can help to get the articles together, but I do not understand the art of stowing them into the boxes, so as to take up the smallest possible space; and there are her own things to do, as well as mine and Arthur's.

  8. Laura sagely, stowing underclothes in her middle drawer with the utmost rapidity.

  9. By the greatest of good luck a special cargo of milk-cans and butter baskets had to be placed that morning in the luggage van, and the extra two minutes spent in stowing them away saved the situation.

  10. I am sorry to add that I was very unaccommodating, gave no assistance in the stowing away of the umbrella, and when Fanfreluche came and placed his silken paws upon my knees, pushed him away very rudely.

  11. Each of them had prepared for stowing away by wearing extra garments in layers.

  12. Pam said in a strange voice, "I thought I might rate as a heroine for stowing away on this voyage, but I didn't think we'd have to dodge rockets and fighter planes to get away!

  13. We learned a good deal from them about curing and stowing of hides, etc.

  14. Before stowing the hides, as I have said, the ballast is levelled off, just above the keelson, and then loose dunnage placed upon it, on which the hides rest.

  15. This delay kept us till after midday, when, stowing our invalid snugly in a dandy, we left Gulmarg and began the descent to Srinagar.

  16. The men got out their old coal stowing clothes that once were white and theoretically still are white.

  17. Down in the coal bunkers the engineer division were put at stowing the coal away smoothly and evenly.

  18. When I went below I found at least a dozen Spanish passengers busily employed in stowing away their luggage in the cabin.

  19. After stowing ourselves in there would not have been room even for another umbrella.

  20. Captain Luke, standing aft by the wheel, no doubt made her out before I did; for all of a sudden he let drive a volley of curses at the mates to hurry their stowing below of the stuff with which our decks were cluttered.

  21. In the height of the danger I caught the cook knocking the head out of a cask, and stowing some of the skins in a tub.

  22. The great ark stands before the diligence-office, and, for half an hour before the hour of starting, the porters are busy stowing away the baggage, and getting the passengers on board.

  23. A comely Indian girl was stowing the hay and treading it down on the wagon.

  24. What d'ye mean, you rascal, stowing yourself aboard my ship?

  25. He rose and offered her the inner half, which she accepted gratefully, then thanked him in broken English for stowing her various bundles in the rack above.

  26. Never did Cranston take the field without Margaret's stowing in the corner of his saddlebag a little prayer-book of her church, and this the captain had handed silently to Davies.

  27. In the sala he found his sister, assisted by Evaristo and Gordon, collecting the thousand and one articles of ornament and luxury with which the room was adorned and carefully stowing them away in a large packing-case.

  28. I should mention that the stevedores stowing the wool were paid by piecework, and that perhaps may have had something to do with their satisfactory performances.

  29. The skipper was very particular as to the stowing of the sails, and the chief was quite as keen.

  30. It is one of the prettiest operations conceivable to see Chinamen stowing a cargo of tea--great heavy mallets are used, and the tiers are built up with almost mathematical accuracy.

  31. We had started a new plan of stowing our own cargoes of wool, and naturally the second officer had charge of the business.

  32. For many months afterwards that place to me was one of discomfort, for it was also the sailroom, and to one not accustomed to the smell of “below decks” the work of stowing and re-arranging canvas was not agreeable.

  33. I was on that day just finishing the stowing of the after orlop deck, when a voice from above gave notice that the captain was coming down.

  34. It makes me laugh to think of those two men stowing her away in their state-room while they slept between decks with the sheep, and her with the papers in her bosom all the time.

  35. Which one of you conceived the novel scheme of stowing away ladies in your cabin?

  36. Proceeding, then, in this vigorous but careful manner, I at length emptied the upper box, and finished by stowing away its contents behind me.

  37. Once in the hold, I had no fear but that I should be able to secrete myself among so many barrels and boxes as they were stowing away.

  38. After awhile, I succeeded in stowing away two more pieces; and this gave me just room to creep inside the now nearly empty box, and go to work again with my knife.

  39. One of these involves stowing away in the hold of a vessel bound for Peru, six months' voyage away.

  40. He saw no reason for these being left to lie there, but a good one against it; so, stooping cautiously forward, he gathered up all, stowing them away in his pockets.

  41. In the upright attitude the artificial leg made him look stiff, and he preferred stowing it away under the table.

  42. Probably they were not far off, engaged in stowing away the cargo of the burning ship.

  43. Roger, hoping to take the pirate by surprise, determined to board her, under the expectation that her crew might be either engaged in stowing the cargo of the captured vessel, or carousing after their victory.

  44. I thought that we should very likely have to wait for you, but now when the cargo comes down we may begin stowing away at once.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stowing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.