And eke the maisters mate, of stomacke bolde and stout, For all his wound receiu'd of late, yet stirred not a foot.
I neede no allurement nor sawce, my stomacke is good enough to digest raw meat: And whereas with these preparatives and flourishes, or preambles, they thinke to sharpen my taste or stir my stomacke, they cloy and make it wallowish.
Wherein I have found many times marvellous commoditie, and who so shall vse it now and then, shal be sure of a good stomacke to meat, and be free from wormes.
And while it is yong, it is eaten in Salats with other herbes, to the great commoditie of the stomacke and Liuer.
It cures all maner of distellations, either in the head or stomacke (if you beleeue their Axiomes) although in very deede it doe both corrupt the braine, and by causing ouer quicke disgestion, fill the stomacke full of crudities.
The Horsemen tooke the fielde with stomacke to fight, but after they had hearde of hys offer, they submitted themselues.
They feared death, but yet wanted not stomacke and hearte to dye.
Prethee doe not turne me about, my stomacke is not constant Cal.
By this crosse I haue seene you eate your meate as well, As any that ere I haue seene of or heard tell, A stomacke quod you?
Oh my good Lord, Beleeue not all, or if you must beleeue, Stomacke not all.
In those daies Cassibelan was kyng of London, this Cassibelan was a prince of high wisedom, of manly stomacke and valiaunt in fight: and for power and valiauntnesse, was chosen of the Britaines, chief gouernour and kyng.
If her moderacion of life had been so rare, as that the like facte for her chastitie, had not been in a- ny age or common wealthe, her vertues would haue giuen occasion: The Princes and nobles of Grece to stomacke the matter.
A Dame more eloquente then all the reste, and ofstomacke more hardie, be- gan in these woordes.
Now then Iulietta receiue myne instruction, put of all Feminine affection by taking vppon you a manly stomacke for by the only courage of your minde consisteth the hap or mishap of your affayres.
But the king which had been dayntely fed, and did not well taste and lyke that kynde of meat, demaunded if hys hunger could not be supplyed with a lytle Flesh, for that his stomacke was anoyed with the onely sauoure of the Eeles.
If you haue any stomacke thereto, in the name of God do you espie out a fine barke of seuentie or eightie tunnes, and send her hither with a Portugall Pilot to this port of S.
On the other side the Indians perceiuing that we stirred not, tooke great stomacke and courage vnto them: insomuch that they came hard to our horses heeles to shoote at vs with their arrowes.
And because they are binding (and hot and dry in the third degree) they must not be used, though they help the chiefe parts of Concoction, which are the Stomacke and the Liver, as appeares by the Verses before recited.
My friend it stands with wit, 2580 To take repast when stomacke serueth it.
My boone faire Queene is this, that you would go, 2570 Altho my bodie is but small and neate, My stomacke after toyle requireth meate, An easie sute, dread Princes will you wend?
A stomacke (quod you) you, as good as ere man had.
As any that ere I have seene of, or heard tell, A stomacke quod you?
While he was at his feast, Lamilia came flaunting by, garnished with the iewels whereof she beguiled him: which sight serued to close his stomacke after his cold cheere.
In this sorrow hee sate downe on pennilesse bench; where, when Opus and Vsus told him by the chimes in his stomacke it was time to fall vnto meate, he was faine with the Camelion to feed vpon the aire, & make patience his best repast.
Scorne frump the meacock Verse that dares not sing, Drouping, so like a flagging flowre in raine: Where doth the Vrany or Fury ring, That shall enfraight mystomacke with disdaine?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stomacke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.