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Example sentences for "stevedores"

Lexicographically close words:
stethoscope; stetit; stets; steuen; stevedore; stew; steward; stewardess; stewardesses; stewards
  1. You stevedores are always complaining about not getting up front, and you tell me what you'd do to the Germans if you once got up front.

  2. The 'long-shoremen, the cotton-yardmen, and the stevedores had gone out on a strike.

  3. With muscles standing out like cables through their blue cotton shirts, and sweat rolling from glossy black skins, the Negro stevedores were at work steadily labouring at the cotton, with the rhythmic song swinging its cadence in the hot air.

  4. May be just as well to lock it while we're at dock and stevedores are aboard," agreed the mate.

  5. Men were rushing freight aboard on rattling trucks--parallel lines of stevedores were working.

  6. Yes, stevedores who have come to collect the baggage and take it ashore.

  7. This song achieved instant popularity, and when Tartarin was passing, the stevedores on the quay and the grubby urchins hanging round his door would chant this insulting little ditty.

  8. A hundred and twenty-five stevedores were engaged to be on the dock at six o'clock next morning, to work for pay in rations.

  9. Early the next morning the "Texas" was drawn up beside the principal wharf and one hundred Cuban stevedores began the work of discharging her.

  10. One hundred and twenty-five stevedores were employed and paid in food issued as rations.

  11. He glanced aloft, cast a speculative eye on the stevedores trooping across the waist of the ship, and ascended to the quarter-deck where the mate stood leaning over the rail and uttering directed curses from between sweat-beaded lips.

  12. The following morning would find the wharf swarming with stevedores and echoing to the rattle of trucks, the clank of hoists, and the shrill whistles of the signalmen.

  13. My first step was to engage the services of as many Irish 'longshoremen and stevedores as possible.

  14. I got the 'longshoremen and stevedores to scatter throughout Ireland information about this country and about the way to get here.

  15. The stevedores who were putting the freight aboard were men of leisure; they joked in a kindly way with the orange-women and the old women picking up chips on the pier; and our land of hurry seemed beyond the ocean rather than beyond the lake.

  16. They conjectured of the horror of midsummer battles, and pictured the anguish of shipwrecked men upon a tropical coast, and the grimy misery of stevedores unloading shiny cargoes of anthracite coal at city docks.

  17. The rattle of the derricks, and all the cursing, sweating stevedores in their rolling lighters.

  18. I should mention that the stevedores stowing the wool were paid by piecework, and that perhaps may have had something to do with their satisfactory performances.

  19. The independent spirit manifested by the stevedores and other working-men that had to do with the ship came to one rather as a revelation.

  20. With one hand he received the bamboo tally-sticks from the stevedores and with the other paid the cash for service rendered.

  21. The small, strong, agile Japanese stevedores had this task completed by 8:30 P.

  22. The bay was filled with shipping and the shore lined with warehouses where the stevedores were already busily engaged in lading or discharging cargoes.

  23. Scores of Italian stevedores were carrying baskets of coal on their shoulders from barges into the bunkers of the Moltke.

  24. But the men at the Front could never be there, And the battles could not be won, If the stevedores stopped in their dull routine And left their work undone.

  25. Passing the Buck Song of the Aviator The Stevedores A Song of Home The Swan of Dijon Veils In France I saw a Hill American Boys, Hello!

  26. A continuous line of horse-drawn trucks loaded with hides was coming alongside the ship, and the stevedores were laboring mightily to stow the hides away.

  27. The sweating stevedores who were loading the Holter and the belaboring mate who supervised them began stowing the hides into the hold.

  28. It was dusk when the 'Jackson' pushed her nose into the levee, and the song of the negro stevedores rose from below as they pulled the gang-plank on to the landing-stage.

  29. He took me into his house and cared for me at a time when I wanted to go to the devil along with the stevedores when I was a wanderer he kept me out of the streets, and out of temptation.

  30. For several days the swarthy stevedores of Ciudad Bolivar had been busy in transferring to our little steamer the freight that had here been accumulating for her during the preceding six months.

  31. Here a crowd of stevedores from the town soon congregated.

  32. Illustration] So close to noon, the sailors and stevedores had vanished to eat their meal, and passers-by were few.

  33. Most of the stevedores were hatless, and Chris snickered at the sight of the short braid of hair at the napes of their necks.

  34. The sailors waited joyfully for the fray, and the Raratonga stevedores on other vessels stopped their work.

  35. The stevedores and roustabouts of the waterfront made ballads of happenings as their forefathers had chants of the fierce adventures of their constant warfare.

  36. The steamer had tied up for wood, and now the brawny stevedores with blackened hands and arms were pitching it to the deck.

  37. The river banks were lined with canoes; many natives stood looking at us from the shore, and while stevedores handled the wood, many passengers visited the town.

  38. Toward evening one day, while the stevedores were busy handling wood, we went ashore and visited an Eskimo family in their hut.

  39. For five days we lay anchored outside, while stevedores loaded supplies from the "Bertha" on barges towed ashore by the side-wheeler "Sadie.

  40. A hundred and twenty stevedores lined up on the wharf for work and breakfast.

  41. It was something to see the lank, brawny little army of stevedores take their first breakfast in line, alongside of the ship.

  42. Cargo is stowed and completed; the stevedores are unrigging their gear when we reach the ship.

  43. Before the pilot is off the ship with his docket signed, the blocks of our derricks are rattling and the stevedores are setting up their gear for an immediate start.

  44. Among others is the following: There was a parrot, that from having long been suspended in its cage from a low window fronting a dock, had learned to converse pretty fluently in the language of the stevedores and truckmen.

  45. Earle was also using contract stevedores and expected to be using Army troops whose use of local facilities would preclude plans for a segregated barracks and mess.

  46. Stevedores pause for a hot meal at Massacre Bay.

  47. They were stevedores and doing full stevedores work.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stevedores" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.