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Example sentences for "sportsmanship"

Lexicographically close words:
sportively; sportiveness; sports; sportsman; sportsmanlike; sportsmen; sportswoman; sporty; sporulation; sporules
  1. But mainly he admired her for the continued good sportsmanship of her attitude.

  2. And now her beauty was less victorious over him than that swift pride which could rebuke so delicately, that good-sportsmanship which could so instantly accept apology.

  3. The plaster wall of a Chinese garden was often an integral element of the decoration, and its shape and topping were part of the overall aesthetic effect.

  4. This placard, hung always before me, is a reminder that a decent respect for the laws of good sportsmanship requires one to keep in as hard condition as possible for the hundred-yard dash called Life.

  5. For this rapid change I should not wonder if the democracy of sportsmanship were in part responsible.

  6. The third element of sportsmanship is the grace of a good loser.

  7. The fourth factor of sportsmanship is the grace of a good winner.

  8. To be converted to the religion of sportsmanship means to become more socially minded.

  9. He thought he might find some shooting and fishing in Wales, so had brought with him a gun-case and a setter; though his pretensions to sportsmanship proved to be rather of the cockney order.

  10. My sportsmanship was never of the most zealous order, and my success on this occasion did not add much to the mortality of the curlews.

  11. If we could believe them we should almost feel like giving up our faith in the sportsmanship of that region.

  12. But the true spirit of sportsmanship has not by any means been extinguished in the school.

  13. And in any case I can't let you into it because my inherited instinct of sportsmanship is with me still, even in this.

  14. If he had stood in Fallaray's shoes he would long since have brought an action for divorce against that woman and gone in quest of a girl who understood the rudimentary rules of sportsmanship and the art of give and take.

  15. In view of the disappearance of wild life all over the habitable globe, and the steady extermination of species, the ethics of sportsmanship has become a matter of tremendous importance.

  16. Even though the leaping tuna, the jewfish and the sword-fish are big and powerful, the club has elected to raise the standard of sportsmanship by making captures more difficult than ever before.

  17. More agreeable is the sportsmanship of the trenches, where a correspondent tells of the shooting of a hare and the recovery of the corpse, by a reckless Tommy, from the turnip-field which separated our trenches from those of Fritz.

  18. That is, it the Israeli delegation has the courage, the sportsmanship to agree.

  19. General O'Reilly presented the Golden Judge to the United Nations, and the King of Saudi Arabia proved his sportsmanship by having a theft-proof case made for it of solid crystal, so that it could be on public display.

  20. The real fact was that sportsmanship was already becoming distasteful to young Darwin, and his hunting expeditions were now largely carried on with a botanist's drum and a geologist's hammer.

  21. The spirit of English sportsmanship will always seem to me very gracious and charming.

  22. The superiority of English sportsmanship arises, not from the spirit of the men, but from the breadth of the development of the sports, and this, climate aside, is the result of the division of the university into colleges.

  23. In America, sportsmanship is almost a religion.

  24. The workings of the college system may be most clearly seen in them, and the spirit of English sportsmanship most sympathetically appreciated.

  25. In the past women have lacked good-fellowship and sportsmanship largely because they played no competitive-cooperative games.

  26. The spirit of this kind of play has been of great value to society, for it has brought the feeling of fair play and sportsmanship to the world.

  27. A man whose fighting blood is hot, but whose spirit of sportsmanship is true, can sometimes maintain a difficult peace where another type would fail, and that was the task Stuart set himself.

  28. That same spirit of sportsmanship would have meant to Williams only a want of seriousness, a making play out of life.

  29. Lane's pose of good sportsmanship having failed to impress Nida, he had adopted simple, brutal coercion.

  30. Well, that shows sportsmanship on your part.

  31. It is apparently present in a larger measure in sportsmanship proper and in athletic contests than in set games of skill of a more sedentary character; although this rule may not be found to apply with any great uniformity.

  32. There is also a livelier sense of honor--an expression of sportsmanship and a derivative of predatory life.

  33. We owe the latter stride toward conservation and sportsmanship to Mr. James Jump, and to Lone Angler, and to President Coxe of the Tuna Club.

  34. The most unattractive player in the world will win the respect and admiration of a crowd by a display of real sportsmanship at the time of test.

  35. His courteous manner and genial sportsmanship make him universally popular.

  36. Yet Captain Hardy's success was far bigger than that, for by his tact, charming personality and splendid sportsmanship at all times he won a place for us in the hearts of every country we visited.

  37. Mrs. Mallory, with delightful smile, never failing sportsmanship and generosity in victory or defeat, is one of the most popular figures in tennis.

  38. These things are the essence of good sportsmanship, and good sportsmanship will win any gallery.

  39. His pleasant, modest manner and generous sportsmanship make him an ideal opponent, and endear him to the gallery.

  40. I am inclined to think that in that example can be found the essence of preparatory school life; the habits of courtesy and sportsmanship are acquired till they become a second nature.

  41. With such a spirit as is displayed in this letter the sportsmanship of the Pacific coast is bound to thrive.

  42. How thin the veneer of a sportsmanship was upon the Kaiser, which is after all but symbolic of the higher and sterner virtues, all the world has had a chance of judging.

  43. In such crises as these in which it becomes necessary to rattle the opposing pitcher or prevent the visiting catcher from getting a difficult foul, all considerations of good sportsmanship should be discarded.

  44. As a matter of fact, it is doubtful if good sportsmanship should ever be allowed to interfere with the fan's participation in a contest.

  45. The keynotes of the training were noblesse oblige, sportsmanship and responsibility, that form of "playing the game" which is at the root of the discipline of the British Army.

  46. Since that time I have changed my mind as I have had an opportunity to know the player personally and my own observation and the general high reputation he has for sportsmanship have thoroughly convinced me of my mistake.

  47. The sportsmanship and friendly rivalry which the Army and Navy game brings out in both branches of the Service is admirable and unique and reaches all officers on the day of the game wherever in the world they are.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sportsmanship" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    candor; cricket; fairness; sportsmanship