The land has been purchased for the extension of the lake and the great spillway can be raised twenty feet higher if necessary so that a shortage of water is practically impossible.
A gigantic spillway allows the surface water to run over.
The alternative was to open the spillway gate, using the cut-off tunnel as a sort of safety-valve when the coming flood water should reach the Elbow.
At a conservative estimate three months of time and many thousands of dollars must be spent in lining the spillway tunnel with a steel tube, and in plugging the caverns of the hollow tooth with concrete.
Through the promontory a short tunnel was driven at the river-level to provide a diverting spillway for the torrent; and by this simple expedient a dry river-bed in which to build the great wall of concrete and masonry had been secured.
I know I'd rather be a 'mucker' with a pick and shovel out yonder in the ditch than to be the boss here when the spillway gates are closed at the head of the cut-off tunnel.
It was for this reason that he had been glad to time the closing of the spillway in August, when the flow of the river was at its minimum.
The spillway is a concrete-lined opening cut through a hill of rock near the center of the dam.
Here they separated, one to the west, one to the east, where the locks are, and one to a position half way between the spillway and the west side of the locks.
Other men, workmen, were doing that, however, and so these four passed on up to the foot of the spillway without attracting attention.
The locks and spillway are considered a part of the dam.
I have calculated the speed which their craft might have attained, had it the right proportions, and, in truth, it might have left the spillway at such a speed that it entirely overcame the draw of the ground.
I had already noted this flume where it emptied into the basin in the valley below; for it had had a new kind of a spillway affixed to it, a broad, smooth platform with a slightly upward curve, over which the water was shooting.
And I scarce had time to fear that the twain should be destroyed on that upturned spillway before it was there.
In several places the concrete spillway had crumbled down to a ragged edge, showing that the solid wall was giving way.
Some of the water from the spillway flows into that now, but its channel won't hold a hundredth part of the flood if the dam goes out.
Fluctuations in the lake due to floods are controlled by an immense spillway dam built of concrete.
During the rainy season, from April to the latter part of December, the run-off from this basin exceeds considerably the consumption of water, and the surplus is discharged through the spillway of Gatun Dam.
I did not draw the Dam or the Spillway simply because I could not find a subject to draw, or could not draw it.
As we shall see, Bohio was not in the end adopted as the site of the big dam, but Gatun, where it is now constructed, with its concrete spillway carrying away the overflow waters of the lake down the old Chagres channel to the near Atlantic.
The rest of the lake is held in by the natural configuration of the country, the only outlets being at the Gatun spillway and, of course, through the locks.
From the latter quarter sounds of revelry rose above the spillway thunderings, and now and again a drunken figure lurched through the open door to make its way uncertainly toward the rank of bunk-houses.
They won't let Williams touch the spillway gates, and they're not going to let him touch them until after we have lost out on the time limit!
Just now I am trying to patch up the spillway which threatens to go out at any time altogether, and the heading itself is so shaky I'm almost afraid to touch it for fear it will fall down on top of me.
You see, when Greenfield tried to change the line of their canal so as to cut me out, Abe and I had begun to figure that some day the water from the spillway might cut down the channel and give us a little more drop.
Abe, you know that greaser that tumbled into the Dry River Spillway when we-all was puttin' in Number Five Gate?
The spillway is so arranged that as the level of the water in the lake rises the discharging capacity increases.
The spillway through which the surplus waters of Gatun Lake will be let down to the sea level, is a large semicircular concrete dam structure with the outside curve upstream and the inside curve downstream.
With the spillway open, even if the Chagres were to double its record for continued high water, it would take many days to bring the lake level up to the danger point--92 feet.
Where the reservoirs fill up to the spillway the waste water is not allowed to go over the top, but is drawn out from the bottom in order that the under layers of water may be the ones wasted.
The first stop was at the concrete work on the spillway dam at Miraflores.
Here they could erect their spillway for the control of the water in the lake above.
Each gate is independent of the others, and the amount of water permitted to go over the spillway dam thus can be regulated at will.
The spillway is so constructed that when the water flowing over it becomes more than 6 feet deep it adheres to the downstream face of the dam as it glides down, instead of rushing out and falling perpendicularly.
When are you going to make the last of the spillway views?
They were at Gatun now, and there Blake planned to get some views of the big dam from the lower, or spillway side.
Preparations for taking several views of the big Gatun Dam from the lower, or spillway side, were made.
At last we went under the dam, up the spiral stairs and upon the catwalk above the abyss, where the great spillway of falling water arched out over us.
The water in its nearly three hundred feet fall from the top of the spillway roared into Salt River Canyon, a miniature Niagara, sending up clouds of rainbow spray, the thunder of its fall echoing down the canyon for miles.
There was a little song of waters gurgling down thespillway that was once only a dry draw choked with wild plum bushes.
The rain ought to fill that old spillway draw from the lake down in the woods.
It was not until he reached the slab which served as a bridge over the water from the spillway that he recovered anything of his impudent nonchalance.
He knew from the small amount of water going over the spillway that the machinery was still running and as he drew nearer to the power-house he could hear the hiss of the 200-feet head as it hit the wheel.
Well, I can do that; but won't the water sweeping through from Gatun Lake after the spillway is wrecked catch me?
A stream of light flowed out from the hydro-electric station on the left side of the spillway channel.
They will destroy the seven gates of the spillway and also part of the dam and the hydro-electric station.
There, misty, fainty, small as the toy of a child, lay Gatun Dam, with the spillwayin its center.
The spillway iss about midway in Gatun Dam: its channel has been cut through a hill.
It zoomed just in time to miss the wall of the dam, banked, doubled like a scared jack-rabbit, dove down again, coming within feet of the spillway channel.
Staring forward through the hurtling prop, the night rushed at him; the dark hills melted away to either side; clear ground swept into view and then a long black thread that was the spillway channel.
A ragged scream that marked the passing of Kashtanov split through the air for a flash of time, and the dark, blurred mass that was an airplane teetered clean over and flopped into the rushing spillway channel.
Behind was the bubbling, leaping flow of the spillway itself, and Gatun Dam.
You run up the hill the spillway channel is cut through; it iss high ground, and the golf course iss on high ground.
When the dam is completed and the spillway gates are closed, the Niqoyastcadje and everything in it will go down under two hundred feet of water.
For soon the Spillway at Gatun is to close its gates and all this vast region will be flooded and come to be Gatun Lake.
Five minutes later I was hurrying away across locks and dam to the marshland beyond the Spillway to inquire who, and wherefore, had attempted to burn up the I.
The gated spillway is located at the east end of the dam.