She pretends to understand him, but when he asks her what rhetoric is, Rethoryke, she sayde, was founde by reason Man for to governe wel and prudently; His wordes to ordre his speche to purify.
But nedes day departe moste hem sone, And whanne hir speche doon was and hir chere, 1710 They twinne anoon as they were wont to done, And setten tyme of meting eft y-fere; And many a night they wroughte in this manere.
For also seur as reed is every fyr, As greet a craft is kepe wel as winne; Brydle alwey wel thy speche and thy desyr.
And fillen forth in speche of thinges smale, And seten in the window bothe tweye.
For that the comune word of men,' quod I, 'misuseth this maner speche of fortune, and seyn ofte tymes that the fortune of som wight is wikkede.
Lo here, the forme of olde clerkes speche In poetrye, if ye hir bokes seche.
He gan first fallen of the werre in speche 855 Bitwixe hem and the folk of Troye toun; And of thassege he gan hir eek byseche, To telle him what was hir opinioun.
So they, standynge aboute the bedde, sayde one to an other: nowe he gothe his waye: for his speche and syght fayle him; by and by he wyll yelde vp the goste.
By this tale ye may lerne, that they that will come to the speche or presence of any persone for theyr owne cause, they muste fyrste endeuer them selfe to shewe suche matters as those persones most delyte in.
Thries sche torned hire aboute, And thries ek sche gan doun loute And in the flod sche wette hir her, And thries on the water ther Sche gaspeth with a drecchinge onde, And tho sche tok hir speche on honde.
And thus in court of juggement This Adrian was thanne assent, And the querele in audience Declared was in the presence Of themperour and many mo; Wherof was mochel speche tho And gret wondringe among the press.
That dai schal falle, I hope so, That I schal telle out al mi fille, And with mi speche I schal fulfille 5660 The wyde world in brede and lengthe.
For whanne he hath his tunge affiled, With softe speche and with lesinge, Forth with his fals pitous lokynge, 680 He wolde make a womman wene To gon upon the faire grene, Whan that sche falleth in the Mir.
Than of hys speche so awondrit war thai, Kepit thar silens, and wist nocht quhat to say; 10 And athir towartis otheris turnys, but mayr, And can behald his fallow in a stair.
Heir ar not the slaw weirmen Atrydes, Nor the fenÈear of fair speche Vlixes.
Ye semed by your speche and your visage The day that maked was our mariage; and surely no direct accusation of cruelty could show with equal clearness how deeply she has suffered.
For all the lordis langage his lipps, sir, wer lame, For any spirringes in that space no speche walde he spell.
For here availeth no Swete-Thought, 4505 And Swete-Speche helpith right nought.
And which a goodly softe speche Had that swete, my lyves leche!
And whan thy speche is endid al, Right thus to thee it shal bifal; If any word than come to minde, 2545 That thou to seye hast left bihinde, Than thou shalt brenne in greet martyr; For thou shalt brenne as any fyr.
To vilayn speche in no degree 2225 Lat never thy lippe unbounden be.
For alle yede out at oon ere That in that other she dide lere; Fully on me she lost hir lore, Hir speche me greved wondir sore.
Ich wene ther ne beth in al the world · contreyes none That ne holdeth to hor owespeche · bote Engelonde one.
And thus in court of iuggement This Adrian was thanne assent, And the querele in audience Declared was in the presence 210 Of themperour and many mo; Wherof was mochel speche tho And gret wondringe among the press.
For mirre is mercy to mene And myldespeche of tonge.
This Lecherie leide on With a janglynge chiere, And with pryvee speche And peyntede wordes; And armede hym in ydelnesse, And in heigh berynge.
Thus thorugh Hende-speche Entred the frere, And cam in to Conscience, And curteisly hym grette.
Whan tyme is of redyng at your meles & repast or ony other good doctryne than beware of speche or laughynge / but take hede to [the] lecture.
Beware of hyghe speche & clamorous / and see that thy wordes be fewe well sette & resonable.
And knew it wel, and whos it was him tolde, 1190 And fillen forth in speche of thinges smale, And seten in the window bothe tweye.
And that iryn bitt in mouth betakenis, that he suld refren[gh]e his mouth fra bathe euill viciouse speche and euill thouchtis.
He dooth best that with-draweth hym By daye and by nyghte, 5360 To spille any speche Or any space of tyme.
And right so ferde Reson bi thee; Thow with thi rude speche Lakkedest and losedest thyng That longed the noght to doone.
Euerye speche standeth by vsuall wordes that be in vse of daylye talke, and proper wordes that belonge to the thinge, of the which we shal speke.
Barbarie is a faute, whych turneth the speche frõ his purenes, and maketh it foule and rude, and the partes be these.
The playne and euident speche is learned of Gramarians, and it keepeth the oracion pure, and without all faute, and maketh that euerye thyng may seme to be spoken purelye apertlye, and clerelye.
And with that word his speche faille gan, began to fail For fro his feete up to his brest was come The cold of deth, that hadde him overnome.
Ye semede by your speche and your visage, speech That day that maked was our mariage!
For to the Redar thou shewest by euydence Thy selfe of Rethoryke pryuate and barayne In speche superflue: and fruteles of sentence.
Or doctour diuyne or other Graduate Be this thy Excuse to content theyr mynde withal My speche is rude my termes comon and rural And I for rude peple moche more conuenient.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "speche" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.