When thou hast slain her son and me Kauśalyá soon will follow: she Will sink beneath her sorrows’ weight, And die like me disconsolate.
If torn from all I love by thee My godlike lord no more I see, Soon will I die and end my woes, Nor live the captive of my foes.
Y: Then those who believe in Allah, and hold fast to Him,- soon will He admit them to mercy and grace from Himself, and guide them to Himself by a straight way.
Both enter, and Sir Donald is left with assurance that the man soon will return.
Sir Donald has no fear but what Alice and Oswald soon will arrive.
Soon will He seize you in His wrathful anger, sedition will be stirred up in your midst, and your dominions will be disrupted.
For all the woe and losses these friends to us have brought, Soon will we repay them, and we shall yet be gladdened; Ludwig's kin and Hartmut's shall at our hands for this erelong be saddened.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "soon will" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.