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Example sentences for "soon have"

  • For I accounted it a crime that day to work--I would as soon have set up types on Lord Mayor's Day.

  • It plainly cut him to the quick to receive hospitality from a 'prentice, and he would, I think, as soon have starved, but for his promise.

  • But I might as soon have tried to get within hail of the Scotch Queen herself, so closely was he fenced in.

  • What a different account will I soon have to give of myself!

  • John Westlock would as soon have thought of striking him down upon the floor.

  • I should as soon have thought of his head leaving him.

  • Well, you'll soon have a better one," said Mr. Stockton.

  • We'll soon have you in better quarters than this," went on Bert.

  • Oh, we'll soon have it paid for," declared Vincent.

  • We shall, however, soon have to separate our forces again, for we must make the next start on our journey by water, which will now be our travelling medium all the way.

  • But Jack knew his man, and he would as soon have thought of throwing a handful of dust into his face.

  • She was fond of apple toddy, but she regarded the taste as an indelicate one, and would as soon have admitted, before gentlemen, a liking for cabbage.

  • Well, I should as soon have thought of seeing Mrs. Peckaby's white donkey!

  • Her faith in Brother Jarrum was of unlimited extent; she would as soon have thought of deceiving her own self, as that he could deceive.

  • Lionel could not receive the fear at all: he would as soon have thought to dread the most improbable thing imaginable, as to dread this sort of violence, whether from Roy, or from any one else.

  • I would just as soon have my dresses made in Banbridge," said Ina.

  • Arthur would almost as soon have thought of guarding in his contract against an earthquake; but the strike clause was left out, and there was a strike.

  • She forgot the joy she would soon have in seeing her father alight from the train.

  • There was no cable available; but, by this time, Sinclair and his partners would as soon have distrusted an archbishop's word as Power's.

  • I'd as soon have it that way as the other.

  • I would as soon have thought of suspecting an angel from heaven of disloyalty as Nancy.

  • He would just as soon have thought of publishing a scurrilous libel about those whom he loved best, as of allowing their names to be paraded for the world's amusement and criticism.

  • As for going out for a real wild day after partridges, or walking a quaking bog after snipe, or waiting for ducks at "flight time," he would just as soon have thought of climbing the Schreckhorn.

  • The truth is, you have so persistently suppressed your higher self that it is dying of inanition; you'll soon have no higher self left at all.

  • But Willoughby would as soon have given up a week of the summer holiday as have gone without the captain's speech.

  • Young Wyndham, as he sat in Riddell's study with his books before him, could as soon have done a stroke of work as fly over the schoolhouse elms.

  • I'll soon have some of the water out now.

  • Make a good knot and hitch in her, and sit in it; I'll soon have you up.

  • Let me soon have news of you; and, before all, let me know when you are coming.

  • Let me soon have news of your performances at Zurich, and do not forget to send Brendel a notice of them for his paper.

  • Farewell, and let me soon have news of you.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "soon have" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    answered the young inventor; cannot doubt; certain occasions; colored marble; education and; fifth part; impartial suffrage; laying them; logical necessity; magnum opus; regard the; shooting party; soon after; soon after our arrival; soon appeared; soon arrived; soon came; soon found; soon grew; soon learned; soon made; soon perceived; soon reached; soon think; sooner arrived; sooner heard