We shall, however, soon have to separate our forces again, for we must make the next start on our journey by water, which will now be our travelling medium all the way.
But Jack knew his man, and he would as soon have thought of throwing a handful of dust into his face.
She was fond of apple toddy, but she regarded the taste as an indelicate one, and would as soon have admitted, before gentlemen, a liking for cabbage.
Well, I should as soon have thought of seeing Mrs. Peckaby's white donkey!
Her faith in Brother Jarrum was of unlimited extent; she would as soon havethought of deceiving her own self, as that he could deceive.
Lionel could not receive the fear at all: he would as soon havethought to dread the most improbable thing imaginable, as to dread this sort of violence, whether from Roy, or from any one else.
I would just as soon have my dresses made in Banbridge," said Ina.
Arthur would almost as soon havethought of guarding in his contract against an earthquake; but the strike clause was left out, and there was a strike.
She forgot the joy she would soon have in seeing her father alight from the train.
There was no cable available; but, by this time, Sinclair and his partners would as soon have distrusted an archbishop's word as Power's.
He would just as soon have thought of publishing a scurrilous libel about those whom he loved best, as of allowing their names to be paraded for the world's amusement and criticism.
As for going out for a real wild day after partridges, or walking a quaking bog after snipe, or waiting for ducks at "flight time," he would just as soon have thought of climbing the Schreckhorn.
The truth is, you have so persistently suppressed your higher self that it is dying of inanition; you'll soon have no higher self left at all.
But Willoughby would as soon have given up a week of the summer holiday as have gone without the captain's speech.
Young Wyndham, as he sat in Riddell's study with his books before him, could as soon have done a stroke of work as fly over the schoolhouse elms.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "soon have" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.