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Example sentences for "somewhere else"

  • Their air of having come because they wanted to be somewhere else as soon as possible annoyed him.

  • You'll be wanting to take it somewhere else if we----Quite!

  • Good-natured curiosity gave place to excited curiosity when the rumour got about that the Cosmopolitan had been obliged to ask Mr. Twist to take his entourage somewhere else.

  • Aunt Alice," she said, looking and feeling extremely perturbed as the situation slowly grew clear to her, "told us we were never to stay with people whose wives are somewhere else.

  • Eliphalet said he guessed he'd have to go somewhere else.

  • Who and what he was was of no sort of consequence if he would only be and do it somewhere else; but they arrived determined to get an answer to the third question: Why Wemyss?

  • Lucy wished for only two things at that moment, one was that Lizzie shouldn't come, and the other was that if she did she herself might be allowed to go and be somewhere else.

  • We stuck to it for nearly three months, and then concluded that we had better go down and get another grub-stake and strike in somewhere else.

  • He did not find it in my room, but got it somewhere else.

  • You will have to go somewhere else to get it.

  • My Dear Old Irish Vegetable: Gee, but you ought to see dad and I right now at a hotel, waiting for a chance at a room, when a bride and groom get ready to vacate it, and go somewhere else.

  • It's the funniest thing, when I tell an old customer that if they don't like my goods they can go plum to thunder, they get mad and go somewhere else to trade.

  • I have no records of leaves that have so fallen from the sky in October or November, the season when one might expect dead leaves to be raised from one place and precipitated somewhere else.

  • Yesterday there had been a lawn meet--whether at Widmore Towers or somewhere else, Mrs. Marsden did not gather.

  • The atmosphere in the bank is the kind that encourages gentlemanly conduct and the new boys either fall in with it or else get out and go somewhere else.

  • This means that he must be readily accessible to them, and must listen as courteously to them as if they were important visitors from across the sea or somewhere else.

  • They had been presented, had danced with her, had perhaps danced with her again somewhere else, and had dropped out of her existence without inspiring in her the smallest interest.

  • I dare say," assented Madame Patoff; but there was a vague look in her eyes, which showed that her thoughts were somewhere else.

  • The clouds drop me in a beautiful place, and I feel very comfortable; and then I have to melt away again, and the clouds pick me up and carry me a thousand miles off, and drop me somewhere else.

  • Because I felt that he was preparing himself for a trip somewhere; either Cuba or somewhere else.

  • He may have within a year two or three fantastic things--go to Ghana, go somewhere else, and he makes quite a lot of money.

  • One is via friendship, acquaintanceship somewhere in Europe or in China or somewhere else, but with different Russians and the order by the Tolstoy Foundation--you are acquainted with the Tolstoy Fund?

  • Come on and let’s go somewhere else," said Burnett.

  • I do," said Aunt Mary abruptly; "I want to be somewhere else.

  • Many such aspire angrily after that Somewhere else of the imagination, where all troubles are supposed to end.

  • If you were to set it somewhere else by itself, it would look remarkably like Stirling in a bolder and loftier edition.

  • How he longed to be somewhere else, and see the round world before he went into the grave!

  • The fellows that don't want to vote my way can go somewhere else to do their voting.

  • If the people of North Valley did not like the conditions which the General Fuel Company offered them, they had one simple and obvious remedy--to go somewhere else to work.

  • And all I can tell you is that I wish you'd go somewhere else to do your sociology.

  • After a time the beaver will, perhaps, leave the pond, and go somewhere else to build another.

  • Let's trap here as long as we want to, and then travel on and go somewhere else.

  • When we've had as much as we want of this one place, we can move on and go somewhere else.

  • We take the chance that she will kill herself at our fair, but if she does not, and is killed at some cheap fair, somewhere else, we feel that we are abused, and have been trifled with.

  • If they did not like it they could go somewhere else, and leave some of the furniture to square up, if they were behind in rent, but usually the bookkeeper took it out of the wages.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "somewhere else" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brown study; church property; cold applications; diminish the; even years; fair dame; for when; good reader; lord constable; much cheaper; old man; once resolved; other little; pounder field; proper person; somewhere about; somewhere else; special notice; steel rails; sufficient quantity; twenty inches; well represented; yard dash