And the manly man, hys policie ys that (if) he avaunce hym and hys felyshyp at skirmish or sodeyn racountre, he wulle so discretely avaunce hym that he wulle entend [i.
And the manly man, ys policie ys that, or he avaunce hym and hys felyshyp at skirmysshe or sodeyn racountre, he wille so discretely avaunce hym that he wille entend to hafe the ovyr hand of hys adversarye, and safe hymsylf and hys felyshyp.
And so in many other [sodeyn jorneys and[121]] sharpe recountres sodenly met and foughten, to long to write here.
Now mighte som envyous Iangle thus, `This was a sodeyn love; how mighte it be That she so lightly lovede Troilus Right for the firste sighte; ye, pardee?
Ne, though men sholden smyten of hir heed, She coude nought a word a-right out-bringe So sodeynly, for his sodeyn cominge.
Now mighte som envyous Iangle thus, 'This was a sodeyn love, how mighte it be That she so lightly lovede Troilus Right for the firste sighte; ye, pardee?
Gret Julius, that tribut gat off aw, “His wynnyng was in Scotland bot full smaw.
A small haknay he gert till him be tak, Siluer and gold his costis for to mak; 910 Set on his clok a takyn for to se, The lyoun in wax that suld his condet be; Conwoyit him furth, and na man him withall.
On erll Patrik to pass he was full glaid; Sum said befor the Bass he wald haiff haid.
He welcummyt thaim apon a gudly wyss, And said thai war rycht mekill for to pryss.
Four hundreth was with Wallace in the rycht, And sone onon approchit to thair sicht.
Of what use could this have been to Wallace, when in “sodeyn stryff?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sodeyn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.