And so in many other [sodeyn jorneys and[121]] sharpe recountres sodenly met and foughten, to long to write here.
But than, because of greate watche that this preest had, he there sodenly felle aslepe; and whan this woman sawe him nat wyllynge to here her, she rose and went her waye.
This preest, therwith beynge very angry, all sodenly toke the bottell, and with his fote flange it downe into the body of the churche upon the gentylmans hede.
And when Saynt Peter sawe them all out, he sodenlywente into Heuen, and locked the dore, and so sparred all the Welchemen out.
The wyfe, heryng these thinges, sodenly ranne out and called the frere againe, and prayde hym to come in, and after to sytte downe, and sette before hym all the vitaile that she had.
This woman therwith sodenly abasshed, because the frere spake to her so openly, that all the people her behelde, answered shortly and said: I beshrowe his harte that babeleth more of us two.
Thay say that the fowntayne dyd sodenly sprynge owte of the erthe at the commaundement of our lady, & I dilygently examenynge althynges, dyd aske hym how many yeres it was sythe that howsse was so sodenly broght thyther.
Before that chapell there was a litle howsse, which he sayd ones in wynter tyme whan that there was litle rowme to couer the reliques, that it was sodenly broght & sett in that place.
And euen sodenly or they coud beware ΒΆ wyth a sodeyn pyry he lapped theym in care.
Alerane seing this goodly companie, was abashed, as though hornes had sodenly started out of his head, and yet the sighte of his sonne richly furnished, and in the company of Gunfort his cosin, did more astonne him.
And where I began to erect a good part of the lodgings of this building vpon the ground of the fidelitie, hoping to dwel there for euer, sodenly thou hast ouerthrowen the whole plot.
The kinge himselfe first, and after his guestes, his seruauntes and his Concubines, set fier in the Pallace, which beinge builded for the most part of Ceder trees, became sodenly in a flame.
Which Amadour hearing, vtterly in dispaire, threw himself so sodenly into his bed, as the gentleman thought he had beene dead.
Where as it schewith to the understandyng of suche as you write uppon that I schulde, be crafty councell of some men sodenly have departed in to these parties, &c.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sodenly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.