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Example sentences for "sociality"

Lexicographically close words:
socialisme; socialist; socialistes; socialistic; socialities; socialization; socialize; socialized; socializing; socially
  1. It may readily be believed that with his strong love of sociality and excitement he was an apt pupil in that school.

  2. He soon found that there was enough of sociality among all ranks of Dumfriesshire people, from the laird to the cotter, indeed, more than was good for himself.

  3. Too frequently at nights Burns's love of sociality and excitement drove him forth to seek the companionship of neighbours and drouthy cronies, who gathered habitually at the Globe Tavern and other such haunts.

  4. Sociality the basis of religion—Its definition.

  5. Our sensibility, developed by hereditary instincts of sociality and by the force even of our imagination stretching out beyond the limits of this world, instinctively seeks for a person, a commanding figure to lean on, to confide in.

  6. It is this fact of the fundamental sociality of mankind which is the basis of the moral instinct, and of what is most profound and durable in the religious and metaphysical instinct.

  7. As a matter of fact, Emilius was led through pity up to humanity, or sociality in an imperfect signification, and there he was left without a further guide to define the marks of truly social conduct.

  8. It was to be the finishing study, from which he should learn not sociality either in its scientific or its higher moral sense, but the composition of the heart of man, in a safer way than through actual intercourse with society.

  9. I don't like a bit of sociality as well as ever I did, a snug little party of one's own, people whose mothers and fathers had names, the real old stock of the land.

  10. Peace was at last restored, and what between the adroit devices of Jekyl and the goodness of his champagne, a feeling of pleasant sociality now succeeded to all the bickering in which the festivity was prolonged to a late hour.

  11. From their constant community, a kind of sociality of feeling exists between them.

  12. They are not less remarkable for strong feeling of sociality and attachment to one another.

  13. On the portico of the hotel they found half a score of gentlemen smoking, and creating together that collective silence which passes for sociality on our continent.

  14. Almost all sociality is revel in New-Orleans society, and especially in the society she met.

  15. It was because he had a task there; sociality was not the business of the hour.

  16. But as soon as sociality became established, and Nature's supreme end became the maintenance of the clan organization, the standard for the individual's conduct became shifted, permanently and forever shifted.

  17. It is the prolonged infancy that has caused the progressiveness and the grouping into definite societies, while the development of language was a consequence of the increasing intelligence and sociality thus caused.

  18. A wonderful spirit of sociality in the brute creation, independent of sexual attachment, has been frequently remarked.

  19. Wherever the family tie is given undue importance there is inevitably less willingness to entertain the stranger and to take the risks this wider sociality involves.

  20. Gregariousness or sociality favours the growth of sympathy; increased sympathy conduces to closer sociality and a more stable social state; and so, continuously, each increment of the one makes possible a further increment of the other.

  21. But, while labor is what it is, and the liquor-shop alone offers sociality and amusement to the poor, alcohol will still possess this overwhelming attraction.

  22. When gas first spread along a city, mapping it forth about evenfall for the eye of observant birds, a new age had begun for sociality and corporate pleasure-seeking, and begun with proper circumstance, becoming its own birthright.

  23. He was struck and charmed by the freedom and sociality of our manners.

  24. Birch astonished his friends by going a great deal into company; but the secret of his uniting sociality with labour, was his early rising.

  25. We repeat over and over that man is a social animal, and then confine the significance of this statement to the sphere in which sociality usually seems least evident, politics.

  26. The heart of the sociality of man is in education.

  27. But the sun of his sociality soon recovers from this brief eclipse and shines again.

  28. Not to be behindhand in the sociality of the evening, he complies and gives them "Believe Me, if All Those Endearing Young Charms.

  29. A spirit flashed from his dark lustrous eyes, that kept off every thing approaching the shape of sociality among the persons by whom he was surrounded.

  30. In another and perhaps a deeper sense, however, the prime condition of true sociality is something else, namely, the exclusively human gift of articulate speech.

  31. Another illustration of the sociality engrained in primitive speech is to be found in the terms employed to denote relationship.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sociality" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    civility; compatibility; congeniality; courtesy; familiarity; geniality; hospitality; intimacy