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Example sentences for "smudges"

Lexicographically close words:
smouldered; smouldering; smout; smudge; smudged; smudgy; smug; smuggle; smuggled; smuggler
  1. When he returned it was still in his hand, but there were greyish smudges all over it.

  2. Then he gripped himself firmly, realizing the truth--it was over with for the present; away off there in the haze obscuring the river bank those indistinct black smudges were fleeing savages, their voices wailing through the night.

  3. Of course if the sketch is of a passing gleam you can do nothing but get a few smudges of color.

  4. Don't think that landscape drawing is easier than that of the figure because smudges of green and blue and brown can be accepted as a landscape, while a smudge of pink will not do duty for the nude figure.

  5. Such houses as she passed rose like dirty smudges from the frozen mud of their dooryards.

  6. At thirty-two Carter lit the smudges of wet straw, and simultaneously the vast spread of night flamed out in smoke and fire.

  7. Hal still looked as if a smothered sense of injustice might presently explode into hot words; but in the meantime the air of dignity stood its ground in spite of smudges and untidiness.

  8. The sky lightened a little, and showed black smudges like ink-blots on blue silk cloth where our kite-balloons rose in clusters to spy out the first news of the coming battle.

  9. Their black arms and feet were like the smudges on the snow.

  10. This process relieves strain and leaves the fingers relaxed upon the completion of rolling so that they may be lifted easily from the card without danger of slipping which smudges and blurs the prints.

  11. The bottom of the iron should be clean so that unremovable smudges will not be left on the paper.

  12. Under her eyes were smudges that made them seem very large and wistful.

  13. Conscience was pale and under her eyes were dark smudges of sleeplessness while Farquaharson kept his right hand in his lap and developed an unaccustomed taciturnity.

  14. Claude and Fanning got on deck as quickly as possible and found scores of their comrades already there, pointing to dark smudges of smoke along the clear horizon.

  15. Only the dark smudges of smoke told that they were mechanical realities with stokers and engines.

  16. There were three or four blackish smudges on the western slopes.

  17. Blood on the fingers has occasionally left impressions that fortunately sufficed to reveal the murderer; but, as a rule, wet fingers leave only smudges as useless as this one.

  18. It was delivered to her by her brother, Mr. Roger Adair, from the hip pocket of his khaki trousers, upon which were large smudges of the agricultural profession.

  19. In the big bed in the corner Caroline rose on one elbow and looked at her--a white-faced Caroline with dark smudges under her eyes.

  20. We ate lunch with smudges burning on every side, and the fire in the middle.

  21. In spite of the smudges there were twenty dead flies on my plate when I had finished lunch, to say nothing of those lying dead on my dress of the large number I had killed.

  22. The man with the face all smudges had been wise in demanding his money before his handiwork was tested.

  23. They were large and masterful hands, barbaric with vivid smudges of the colors he had been using.

  24. There was a dab of oil on his nose and smudges on his chin, but he took me in.

  25. At your cries the two women at once jerked on the cord, and the monkey hastened back to them through the partly raised window, leaving no trace of his presence except the black smudges of which I have spoken.

  26. He indicated a series of dark smudges upon the bedspread, arranged in little groups.

  27. The smudges which look like finger prints may have been merely the points at which the end of the pole, or whatever was attached to the end of the pole, came in contact with the bed.

  28. At one camping place the ring of smudges suggested the magic fire circle in "Die Walkuere.

  29. There wasn't but just smudges on it--is all it was.

  30. There was just smears and smudges on the bottom.

  31. In my orchard, at North St. Paul, we burned wet straw smudges every second row on the outside of the orchard, allowing the wind to drift the smoke through trees.

  32. As the season advanced we noticed the first three or four rows in from the smudges gave us our only apples, whereas the further one went in the fewer were found, until they finally disappeared entirely.

  33. What could be seen of his delicate features under the black smudges appeared to me wasted and livid in the greenish shade of the enormous tree spreading its foliage over the launch moored close to the bank.

  34. He was more worn, still more frail, and very livid indeed under the grimy smudges of his calling.

  35. A dash through a "No-Man's-Land" of smouldering smudges and I burst into a Haven of Refuge at the bungalow door.

  36. Then there were brown and red smudges of dust from shells striking the ground and white puffs from shrapnel bursting in the air--variations from the black and white.

  37. Thank heaven for that--only just in time too--and then more smudges on the shadow screen.

  38. Mrs. Morrow kissed Joy, arching over her so that the smudges on her pinafore wouldn't be transferred.

  39. Mr. Morrow came out of his corner and shook hands with her with less care, so that his smudges did come off on her.

  40. She wheeled around, and there in the shadows of the dilapidated old warehouse someone was drooping over the handle of the junk-cart--a collarless man with baggy breeches and a nose that leaned toward the smudges and hollows of his cheek.

  41. And yet when she turned, clutching the torn book, she fully expected to see a pair of baggy breeches preceding a collarless, long-necked man with a broken nose, and smudges in the hollows of his cheeks.

  42. From shoulder to hip molten slag pulsed slowly through her veins and great drops of sweat moved from her temples and made white-bottomed rivulets among the smudges of her cheeks.

  43. Little things always cause the greatest trouble, and but for the smudges the incident would probably have closed with Seyd's challenge: "Can't you be content with half the road?

  44. Not until the hunchback in passing emitted a hoarse chuckle as he surveyed the smudges did Seyd's temper burst its bonds.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "smudges" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.