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Example sentences for "slight resemblance"

  • Far to the west is a tall, strange-looking hill, the top of which bears no slight resemblance to that of a battlemented castle.

  • Between the Dee and the Eglwysig rises a lofty hill, on the top of which are the ruins of Dinas Bran, which bear no slight resemblance to a crown.

  • A noble edifice it looked, and to my eye bore no slight resemblance to Windsor Castle.

  • The above story bears a slight resemblance to No.

  • There is a slight resemblance in this story to the myth of Cupid and Psyche.

  • This bears a slight resemblance to the story of Psyche.

  • There is a slight resemblance to this story in Sagas from the Far East, p.

  • The cut shows specimens of the ornamentation, which seem to bear outwardly a slight resemblance to the mosaic work of Mitla, although the method of their construction is not explained.

  • These colossal stucco faces are the distinctive features of the ruins of Izamal, nothing of the kind appearing elsewhere in Yucatan, although a slight resemblance may be traced to the gigantic faces in stone at Copan.

  • The Citadel in some of its features seems to bear a slight resemblance to the works at Tenampua, in Honduras, and at Monte Alban, in Oajaca.

  • One of them represents a human bust with arms crossed on the breast, the lower portion of which seems to be a kind of tenon originally fixed in the ground; the other bears a slight resemblance to the only statue found at Palenque.

  • This cry has a slight resemblance to whip-poor-will, but, by a fertile fancy, it can be construed into a variety of sounds.

  • Their notes are rapidly enunciated, and have been likened to the words thshish tslmt-tsee-twee, the last two syllables bearing a slight resemblance to the concluding strains of our Eastern Chickadee.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slight resemblance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another from; coming from the west; distinctly seen; familiarly known; left town; much power; prayer meeting; scale production; severe trial; slight change; slight degree; slight depression; slight excess; slight flush; slight inclination; slight laugh; slight notch; slight touch; slightly alkaline; slightly beaten; slightly bent; slightly hairy; slightly less; slightly more; slightly pointed; thousand kisses