The lower arm is slightly bent inwards, and the feet should be turned slightly outwards, giving an appearance of "crooked" legs approximating to the cabriole of a Chippendale chair.
Peristome slightly constricted, with fifteen to eighteen slender, slightly bent, nearly vertical, and parallel feet, which are half as long as the shell.
Cephalis hemispherical, with a slender, slightly bent horn, as long as the abdomen.
Feet as long as the abdomen, nearly parallel, slightly bent outwards at the conical distal end.
Feet about as long as the shell, slightly bent, S-shaped, cylindrical.
The head is slightly bent forwards, and turned to the left of the figure.
Right arm of female figure, slightly bent; the upper arm broken about the bottom of the biceps; the under side is worked rough.
Right arm of female figure, slightly bent, formed of two fragments united at the elbow.
A male head in high relief, wearing a taenia, is slightly bent forwards to the right.
The player should stand just so far away from the ball, that when the face of the driver is laid against it in position for striking, the other end of the shaft exactly reaches to the left knee when the latter is slightly bent.
In addressing the ball you stand with both feet flat and securely placed on the ground, the weight equally divided between them, and the legs so slightly bent at the knee joints as to make the bending scarcely noticeable.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slightly bent" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.