The information relative to the appearance of the Geige, or Violin tuned in fifths, is of the slenderest kind.
But it so happens that some persons are so constituted that there is but the slenderest connection between their mind and their heart.
Only one of these parties had the slenderest claim to compensation--namely, the companies, who must inevitably be disturbed in the possession of the surface by allowing others to work on or under it.
It would be very unjust to some of the most prominent men on the Dutch side in Cape Colony to leave the slenderest grounds for the inference that they are to be associated with the extreme and actively disloyal aim.
Mr. Rhys," said Eleanor, "I am wondering what is the slenderest needle of your acquaintance!
He is not bigger than the diameter of the slenderest needle--and that is saying as much as I can for his size.
I was being hustled out of Germany without picking up the slenderest clue.
It only shows what a man can do with the slenderest evidence if he keeps chewing and chewing on it .
Their leaders think nothing of risking the loss of a thousand men or so, on the slenderest chance of a great prize.
Certain it is that Spanish troops have often proved great marchers; yet of all nations they have the slenderest legs, and indeed they never use their own when they can substitute those of horse, mule, or burro.
So far from Ewen's "position" being of any advantage to Connie, it was Connie who seemed likely to bring the Hoopers into circles of Oxford society where they had till now possessed but the slenderest footing.
To this judge "the slenderest kind" of evidence was worthful so long as it told against the accused.
The view he took was that "the evidence was of the slenderest kind"; but he thought the responsibility must be left with the jury.
It may be worth while to note again that the Judge himself admitted that the evidence on some of the counts was of "the slenderest kind"; but, when backed by his prejudiced summing up, it was more than sufficient for the jury.
Larkin shouted, hoping that the Major would be stampeded into action that would provide the slenderest chance for him to get the mechanics to roll a Spad to the line before Cowan could know what was happening.
And where had Siddons gone that day after landing at Vitry on theslenderest excuse?
McClung's ornate narrative, that usually followed, hangs on the very slenderest thread of truth; it is mainly sheer fiction.
The poorer students at Harvard have for some years had a separate dining-hall, Foxcroft, where the fare and the system of paying for it are adapted to the slenderest of purses.
But these rulers possessed the slenderest authority, narrowly circumscribed by well-established custom and a jealous public opinion which they transgressed at their peril.
Arising in a desert land sparsely inhabited by a nomad race previously undistinguished in human annals, Islam sallied forth on its great adventure with the slenderest human backing and against the heaviest material odds.
To be sure, Serena had the slenderest slip of a waist that nature ever fashioned, and just the least suggestion of cheek bones, too, which were not at all disagreeable, however.
They have, in truth, theslenderest of foundations.
They had been subjected to the heaviest kind of work on the slenderestrations and were pretty well worn out.
Religious thought in these pages is bound by the slenderest threads to religious symbolism.
All these things may seem of the slenderest importance, but they are not insignificant if one considers their effect upon Peter.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "slenderest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.