He was too busy with his explorations for any other object.
But necessity arose sternly between the two, and pointed to the exactions of duty.
The old chief invited the Frenchmen once more to remove and plant in his territories.
They were also to receive supplies from the contributions of Indian tribes through whose settlements they were to pass, and to traffic with other nations whom as yet they did not know.
Before a fire upon a seat like a bedstead, he sat covered with a great robe, made of Rarowcun skinnes and all the tayles hanging by.
Their apparell for heat was made of birds skinneswith their feathers on them.
They haue one sort of greater boates wherein they can carrie aboue twentie persons, and haue a Mast with a saile thereon, which saile is made of thinne skinnes or bladders, sowed togither with the sinewes of fishes.
We found on shore three dead people, and two of them had their staues lying by them, and their olde skinnes wrapped about them and the other had nothing lying by, wherefore we thought it was a woman.
They dresse their skinnes very soft and souple with the haire on.
All these foules are farre thicker clothed with downe and fethers, and haue thicker skinnes then any in England haue: for as that countrey is colder, so nature hath provided a remedie thereunto.
They go clad in coates made of the skinnes of beasts, as of Seales, Deere, Beares, Foxes, and Hares.
They haue brought home fiue hundred seales skinnes, and an hundred and fortie halfe skinnes and pieces of skinnes.
Deare skinnes dressed after the manner of Chamoes or vndressed are to be had of the naturall inhabitants thousands yeerely by way of trifficke for trifles: and no more wast or spoile of Deare then is and hath beene ordinarily in time before.
Wee hope also of Marterne furres, and make no doubt by the relation of the people but that in some places of the countrey there are store: although there were but two skinnes that came to our handes.
The women to mende the bad hue of their skinnes vse to paint their faces with white and red colours, so visibly, that euery man may perceiue it.
M646) The next day the Cacique came, accompanied with many Indians, and with a present of much fish, skinnes and mantles.
Deere skinnes dressed after the manner of Chamoes, or vndressed, are to be had of the naturall inhabitants thousands yerely by way of traffike for trifles, and no more waste or spoile of Deere then is and hath bene ordinarily in time before.
They sleepe vpon barkes of trees laide all along vpon the ground being ouer-spread with the skinnes of certaine wilde Beastes, wherewith they also cloth and couer themselues.
They liue in common togither: and of such commodities as their countrey yeeldeth they are indifferently well stored, the inhabitants of the countrey cloth themselues with the skinnes of certaine wilde beasts, but very miserably.
The women nurse their children with the breast, and they sit continually, and are wrapped about the bellies with skinnesof furre.
One of the Sauages, which seemed to bee their Captaine, ware a long mantle of beastes skinneshanging on one of his shoulders.
They goe altogether naked sawing their priuities, which are couered with a little skinne, and certaine olde skinnes that they cast vpon them.
M210) In stead of apparell, they weare skinnesvpon them like mantles; and they haue a smal payre of breeches, wherewith they couer their priuities, as well men as women.
They gave vs whatsoeuer they had, not keeping any thing, so that they were constrained to go back againe naked, and made signes that the next day they would come againe, and bring more skinnes with them.
And they say that their skinnes are so thicke that a pellet of an harquebush will scarse pearce them, except it be in some tender place.
Their skinnesare also very good to make cables for shippes, and so vsed.
Their principall wealth consisteth in the tribute which the Fynnes pay them, which is all in skinnes of wilde beasts, feathers of birds, whale bones, and cables, and tacklings for shippes made of Whales or Seales skinnes.
Hee shall haue theskinnes of our enemies, to make Dogges Leather of Hol.
The chiefe men of this towne came peaceably to visit the Spanyards, bringing them many mantles and chamois-skinnes excellently dressed, and great plenty of victuals.
The house of the Cacique was found couered with Deeres skinnes of Diuers colours and works drawne in them, and with the same in manner of carpets was the ground of the house couered.
Hee ware a garment close before and behind and open on both sides, fastened with buttons, wrought with white and blacke checker worke, it was very soft and well made, being of the skinnes of certaine delicate fishes called Sea breams.
In this countrey there are certaine skinnes well dressed, and they dresse them and paint them where they kill their Oxen, for so they say themselues.
Therefore you must cause them that shall goe vpon this voyage, to take saffron with them, to cause the same skinnes to bee put into the saide colours.
All of them both men, women and children were clad in chamois skinnes very good and wel dressed.
Item, sixe large and greatskinnes very rich and rare, worne onely by the Emperour for worthinesse.
If they be good we may sell them here for sixteene shillings and better the piece, wee would haue the whole skinnes that is, the necke and legges withal, for these that you sent now lacke their neckes and legges.
And they are a people of small stature, and are clothed in Deares skinnes and drinke nothing but water, and eate no bread but flesh all raw.
Their skinnes be a very deepe kind of Furre, spotted white and black on the belly.
These womens modesty drives them to weare more cloathes than their men, having alwayes a coate of cloath or skinneswrapt like a blanket about their loynes, reaching downe to their hammes which they never put off in company.
This day many of the people came aboard, some in mantles of feathers, and some in skinnes of divers sorts of good furres.
And many brought us bevers skinnes and otters skinnes, which wee bought for beades, knives, and hatchets.
One who saw them, writes home in those first pioneer days: "Their attire is the skinnes of Beares and Woolves.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "skinnes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.