But the largest and most celebrated of all the sinter terraces has within the last few years been buried from view beneath a flood of volcanic trass, or mud, an event which was as unexpected as it was unwelcome.
The beautiful map of Roto Mahana on an enlarged scale by Hochstetter shows no fewer than ten large sinter terraces descending towards the margin of this lake, besides several mud-springs, fumaroles, and solfataras.
For here we have the wonderful terraces of siliceous sinter deposited by the waters entering Roto Mahana as they descend from the numerous hot-springs or pools near its margin.
It has a curious triangular crater of spongy masses of light brown sinter projecting out from the rock.
Entering the basin cautiously, we found the entire surface of the earth covered with the incrusted sinter thrown from the springs.
Siliceous sinter is formed where the temperature is over 150°.
Some of the shells are almost decayed away, the sinter for the most part alone remaining.
At Mbati-ni-kama the siliceous sinter is more friable, with a tendency to form opal.
The sinter of the Nukumbolo springs resembles that of Savu-savu; but it also contains a good proportion of carbonate of lime (20 per cent.
They deposit little if any of the siliceous sinter which is often found in the thermal waters of this island.
Algæ flourish in the water, and siliceous sinter incrusts the rocks.
This sinter has often a beautiful semi-opalescent lustre.
They consequently deposit it in the form of calcareous tuff or sinter (q.
The white sinter laid down by calcareous springs is a familiar example on a small scale.
The deposit of sinter bordering one of them, with the emission of steam and smoke combined, gives it a resemblance to a chimney of a miner's cabin.
The "Grotto," so named from the singularly winding apertures penetrating the sinter surrounding it, was at rest when we first discovered it.
A ring of sinter surrounds the crater; it is raised ten to fifteen feet above the general level of the ground, so the hot water that fell upon it ran off in a ring of little cascades.
The basins of some of them were very beautiful, one especially, where the water was of a bright blue colour and the edges of the sinter basin quite white.
We erected our tents beside a blue warm-water stream facing the sinter terraces, and as the next day was Sunday, we camped there for two nights.
We proceeded at first over a quantity of sinter debris, and then through some hummocky land.
Diagrams to show the manner of formation of stalactites, stalagmites, and sintercolumns beneath parallel crevices upon the roofs of caverns (in part after von Knebel).
The bones of all these denizens of the caves lie entombed within the clays and the sinter formations upon the cavern floors, and they tell the story of a fierce and long-continued warfare for the possession of these natural strongholds.
These pendant sinter formations are known as stalactites and are thus formed of concentric layers arranged like a series of nested cornucopias with a perforation of nearly uniform caliber along the axis of the structure (Fig.
Cone of siliceous sinter built up about the mouth of the Lone Star Geyser in the Yellowstone National Park.
Formation of Travertine and Siliceous Sinter by the Vegetation of Hot Springs, 9th Ann.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sinter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.