Murder is an aggregate of simple ideas, traceable in the detail to these sources.
The tracing of Agreement and of Disagreement, which are functions of the Understanding, is really the source of simple ideas.
A rule is an aggregate of simple Ideas; so is an action; and the conformity required is the ordering of the action so that the simple ideas belonging to it may correspond to those required by the law.
Under one point of view, to “take in and retain together several combinations of simple ideas,” is to form a general concept of so many percepts.
They fall into two classes according as they are composed of the same simple ideas, orsimple ideas of various kinds; the former are called simple, the latter mixed, modes.
Thus Locke seems by implication to acknowledge something added by the mind to the original "simple ideas" of extension and succession; though he finds that what is added is not positively conceivable.
It is true, there is ordinarily supposed a real constitution of the sorts of things; and it is past doubt there must be some real constitution, on which any collection of simple ideas co-existing must depend.
Names of simple Ideas, Modes, and Substances, have each something peculiar.
Locke says the modes of simple ideas, besides extension and number, are counted by degrees.
Hence 'tis evident that, according to Newton's doctrine, colours cannot be simple ideas.
I deny there are any modes or degrees of simple ideas.
Simple ideas include no parts nor relations--hardly separated and considered in themselves--nor yet rightly singled by any author.
In the Reception of simple Ideas, the Understanding is for the most part passive.
Of "Simple Ideas of Sensation," some "come into our minds by one Sense only.
The Understanding, before the entrance of simple ideas, is like a dark room, and external and internal sensation are the windows by which light is let in.
Now this relation of a substance to simple ideas must be the relation of understanding to its ideas, while deciding upon one is the act of will in choosing.
The idea of a substance is a complex of various "simple ideas united in one subject and co-existing together.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "simple ideas" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.