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Example sentences for "signatories"

Lexicographically close words:
signalling; signally; signalman; signalmen; signals; signatory; signatura; signature; signatures; signboard
  1. Thus John MacDermot, one of the signatories of the rebel proclamation, was editor of a paper called Freedom, and had already served a term of imprisonment for speeches which had been interpreted as prejudicial to recruiting.

  2. The signatories have, I think, supplied the best of reasons.

  3. The signatories to that address recognized the true significance of this travel.

  4. He sent a copy of this dispatch to all the Courts of Europe which were signatories to the Treaty of Vienna, and invited them to follow his example.

  5. Notwithstanding that in reality it related only to the King of Denmark and the Diet of Germany, in time it attracted the attention of the Government of England and of the ministers of the Great Powers, signatories of the treaty of 1852.

  6. It is not easy to be sure what are the principles which the signatories of this Report wish to see accepted by the public.

  7. It had been suggested," explained one of the signatories of the Majority Report, "that the Majority Report was a C.

  8. That this interpretation is not unwarranted is shown by the explanation given by one of the signatories of the Majority Report.

  9. The orders for the cessation of hostilities will be given by the signatories of this Convention.

  10. Each of the signatories has since received a beautifully printed "memento.

  11. The recommendation was couched in the usual terms of diplomatic courtesy, but everything indicated that its signatories were prepared to enforce their advice by an appeal to arms.

  12. Its signatories said that Japan's tenure of the Manchurian littoral would menace the security of the Chinese capital, would render the independence of Korea illusory, and would constitute an obstacle to the peace of the Orient.

  13. The latter had, in most respects, broken the balance established by the former, and they were both trodden underfoot by the signatories that openly or secretly broke their engagements.

  14. The relations between signatories and non-signatories to the Protocol are still to be governed by the Covenant.

  15. The signatories to take part as soon as possible in an International Conference for the Reduction of Armaments under the auspices of the League.

  16. The signatories merely undertake obligations as between themselves as to the manner in which they will behave if one of them becomes involved in a conflict with a third State.

  17. In 1830 the signatories of the celebrated decrees which led to the fall of Charles X.

  18. I gather that the signatories of the Quadruple Alliance attribute his submission to the news of the signing of their treaty.

  19. The signatories of the Quadruple Alliance are of course out of the game.

  20. You and your co-signatories affirm that the present struggle is directed against "German culture.

  21. Do you and your co-signatories include in German science and art the science and art of housebreaking?

  22. Your co-signatories and you express indignation because the civilized world describes your soldiers as barbarians.

  23. The signatories of this protest claim that they are in no sense a partisan body.

  24. A slight amount of public spirit on the part of the signatories of the Berlin Act would have sufficed to prevent Congolese affairs drifting into the present highly anomalous situation.

  25. The story of the misgovernment and massacre of the Armenian Christians is one that will ever redound to the disgrace of all the signatories of the Treaty of Berlin; it is doubly disgraceful to the Power which framed the Cyprus Convention.

  26. And in that report I beg the Tribunal to refer to Paragraph 3, in which the signatories say that at the moment he is not insane in the strict sense.

  27. In the House of Commons Mr. Asquith announced the trial, sentence and shooting of three signatories to the Republican proclamation--Pearse, Clarke and MacDonagh.

  28. The signatories to the Covenant in the three western counties felt themselves betrayed.

  29. The Covenant in that committed the signatories to no breach of the law; it was only a pledge to refuse to recognize the authority of a Parliament not yet in being.

  30. But one of his sons, a young poet, had been among the signatories to the proclamation of an Irish Republic, and had paid for it with his life; Count Plunkett stood really as the father of his son.

  31. The next renewal should be in 1925, unless in the meantime an international agreement to which all Great Powers are signatories should render it superfluous.

  32. The third, between Austria-Hungary and Italy, binds the signatories to benevolent neutrality in case Austria-Hungary is attacked by Russia, or Italy by France.

  33. But, even according to the very wording of the memorandum, the signatories had no intention of issuing a dispensation.

  34. Most of the signatories considered that the followers of the Reform would merely be tolerated, Catholicism remaining the only State and public worship.

  35. The duty of maintaining the decisions of the conference in London will apparently be intrusted to Italy as the only neutral power among the signatories to the Albanian settlement.

  36. Italy, in perfect accord with all the signatories of the London Conference, proposes to thwart the attempt.

  37. The public throughout the Transvaal and South Africa anticipated nothing more than a nominal punishment upon the majority and a fine of a few thousand pounds upon the signatories to the letter of invitation.

  38. Preparations were at once made to act on the terms of the letter dated December 20, and already published, and also in accordance with verbal arrangements with the signatories of that letter--viz.

  39. Phillips, Farrar, Hammond (the signatories to the letter), and J.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "signatories" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.