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Example sentences for "shust"

Lexicographically close words:
shunt; shunted; shunting; shunts; shure; shut; shutes; shuts; shutt; shutte
  1. I vas goin' to got pehindt dot proncho and teekle his heels a straw mit shust to seen if he could kick uf me a few prains oudt.

  2. Shust you pring me to a hoss vot I don'd peen aple not to ride!

  3. Encouraged by this, the Dutch boy added: "Shust you trust myself to you und you vos all right.

  4. Yaw; sometimes I done id shust to shown you.

  5. Shust fifteen minutes," was the reply, as the Doctor opened and closed his watch in a cold, business way.

  6. Efry morn, and efry morn, schmoke shust as the Tuyfel.

  7. Shust one tried to cross, and he fell tead on bridge.

  8. Id shust vant to play mit me, like I vos a gat und id vos a mouses.

  9. Shust eferypoty stant avay off, now, so I vill nod ged hurted.

  10. Mebbe you understood dot shust as pad as I did.

  11. Der balls can knock me apoud shust so easy as nefer vas.

  12. I sunk der pottom to shust like you vos von sdick uf vood.

  13. I veel shust like one uf dose bigs could ead der whole uf me.

  14. I peen aple to slept shust like a top all der night ofer mitout vakin' ub ad all.

  15. I veel shust like takin' a drain und valkin' all der vay to New York.

  16. Mein stomach veels shust like a raw tog could ead me.

  17. Shust go oup to der paseball groundts Und see dhose "shturdy oaks" All planted roundt ubon der seats-- Shust hear dheir laughs und shokes!

  18. He slide his hairy arm round my neck, und he tilt up my chin und looked into my face, shust to see if I understood his talk so well as he understood mine.

  19. He slide his hairy arm round my neck, and he tilt up my chin and look into my face, shust to see if I understood his talk so well as he understood mine.

  20. You say shust now you are Mrs. Stackridge.

  21. Now shust listen," said Carl, "and I vill tell you.

  22. You shust vait a minute till Gad trinks it all up, then you shall pe velcome to vot ish left," said Carl.

  23. He falls by der flower-bed in, und stains his knees alretty, shust like dot.

  24. Vell, I vos going to toldt him dot shust der same.

  25. Shust keep your eye on me, und I vill learn some tricks vot you don'd know alretty yet.

  26. I shust peleve dot der Repel ish flanking, und dem tam fool curnells of mein ish not got sense enuff to know ven Sheneral Hood is flanking.

  27. I shust pring it here, and you trink mit my family.

  28. Dat pad ’nough, dey tink, and dey pe hunt you; dey co tru mine house shust now.

  29. I done so, and it made me, and Keewaygooshturkumkankangewock, and Quanonshet and Madokawandock go to shleep, and shust now we wakes up and de gal ain't here!

  30. I would shust like to know if dere ishn't some feller dat is in love mit you, and you is in love mit, and dat both ish in love mit each oder, eh?

  31. So I'll shust take it off from your next month's salary.

  32. Ven you get up you shust stretch yourself, dig your neck a little, and you vas up.

  33. That was shust what I was to speak aboot, next after the payment, your honour," said Allan.

  34. That's shust the very thing I hae to inform ye o'," replied the phlegmatic Gael.

  35. Shust you mind your pisness and I’ll mind yours.

  36. Shust you go und tell dot dog dot he vos a liar.

  37. I feel shust as light hearted as a rooster hen, an’ I guess dot I vill sing a leetle.

  38. Shust you sit on an ice-box, Hannis, he means no harm.

  39. Und his poor mother, she is going to die of a broken heart shust as soon as she can find dime.

  40. Ven I livet in Shalesfille, shust back mit Vicksberg, (I vas in clodink), der vash Cohen and Lilienthal both in groceries.

  41. Meyer sprang gaily to his feet, and seizing Feltzer's hickory club exclaimed to the bystanders, "Now, yoo men vat vants to vote will shust show me your dickets!

  42. Shust you open der door und you will see his barefoots in der snow.

  43. He does dot shust to be politeful to Mrs. Nelson," was Dutchy's quick retort.

  44. It vos shust a leetle drop uv prandy--nodding more.

  45. Shust help me out, Parney," said this last.

  46. Dot vos all right Parney--you shust leave dot to me.

  47. Und shust vere I vas vounded, I saw ze voman's zere, Vos bound mine arm from bleeding, mit her own golden hair!

  48. If I dought you said vot you zhoodn't zay doo Shule, I vood shust drash you on der shpot!

  49. I have torn my trowsers shust a little, and dot will gif dem de oxcuse to whip me.

  50. Otto, when they seated themselves again by the fire; "if we gots him, won't it be shust too good!

  51. Your nose shows you vas a greadt trinker; shust dry my electric punch.

  52. Anypody vould be pleased shust to dake a look ad you.

  53. Shust ged up, und I vill profe id py hitting you again.

  54. Shust led me dake dat revolfer, mine friendt," said the voice of the Jew.

  55. I regred fery moch to haf to dell you zat zere is only shust enough Bisque for von berson.

  56. Betty; "ef I don't have her thee shust wish thy cake dough, and find the sow the dearest bargain thee hast ever had.

  57. De tombako grous shust lyk de dockins en de bak o de lairts yart an de skeps dey kum fra ilka place an bys dem an gies a hantel o silder an gier for dem.

  58. Lofen fater, de man dat wryts dis letir for mi is van Shames Macheyne, hi lifes shust a myl fe mi, hi hes pin unko kyn te mi sin efer I kam te de quintrie.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shust" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.