Tuesday (22) in the morning we were shotte a head of Cape gallant, which the Russes call Sotinoz.
Sharpen thou thy selfe, (O death vnkinde) prepare thy Darte, to strike the Corpse of hir, that she may voyde the Quarelles shotte agaynst hir by hir Aduersary.
From thence thou shalt see the Isles being so farre shotte as Rio de Contas.
In this fight the Iesus of Lubeck had fiue shotte through her mayne Mast: her foremast was shotte in sunder vnder the bounds with a chayne shotte, and her hull was wonderfully pearced with shotte, therefore it was vnpossible to bring her away.
And that the horsemen shoulde runne, and the ordinaunce shotte of, to the entent that Mutezuma shoulde be aduertised thereof.
Ther was a village within shotte of a hargabushe from the rocke called Chiauiztlan standyng vpon a litle hill.
Then Cortes gaue signe with the shotte of a handgunne, that his captaines should be in a readinesse, so that in shorte space they wanne fully and wholy the great Cittie of Mexico.
Then he shotte off hys handgun, whiche was the watch vnto his armye, who forthwith sette vppon the Townesmen, and within two houres slewe sixe thousand persons and more.
Their pouder andshotte was spente, and almost all other prouision.
After they had escaped our shotte they made a great fire on the shore, belike to giue their fellowes warning of vs.
In this skirmish another of our men was shotte into the mouth with an arrow, where hee died: and also one of the Sauages was shot into the side by one of our men, with a wild fire arrow, whereof he died presently.
Vpon which occasion we bestowed halfe a dozen muskets shotte vpon them, which they avoyded by falling flatte to the earth, and afterwarde retired themselues to the woodes.
But after that Rolland had slayn kyng Marfuryus, he was sore oppressed and in suche wyse deteyned, that wyth four grete speres he was smyten and wounded mortally, and beten wyth stones, and hurte wyth dartes and other shotte mortally.
And if the Spaniards had but two days longer continued fight, the English must have made a retreat for want of shotte and powder, and left the Spaniards to their most advantage.
Hauing sayled somewhat into the shoare wee tooke our selues to be shotte somewhat past the riuer de Sestos, so that we kept about to fetch it.
Certaine goates whereat we shotte fled vp to the high cliffes, so that it was impossible to get them.
Also about an Harque-buz-shotte from Matarea is a spire of great height like to that at Rome, and more beautifull to beholde.
And being shotte vp about fortie leagues within the Streights, they put ouer towardes the Norther shore, which was not a little dangerous for their small boates.
And whan they came nere to y{e} towne the frensshe kynge caused our mayster to tary whyles y{e} gonshot was shotte whiche was herd fro Bulleyn.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shotte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.