The sheaves nearest to the path were crushed to the ground, some lying across the path, and the grain was crushed, blackened and flattened.
On the twenty seventh day of July--it was in the evening--Father Vassily and a laborer were carting sheaves from the field.
The sheaves are carried in procession to the palace from time to time as the grain ripens.
Some of the sheaves they presented to the high priest, who laid them on the altar.
The Hovas of Madagascar present the first sheaves of the new grain to the sovereign.
They went to gather the first sheaves of maize and returned to the temple bearing them on their heads.
For example, in the neighbourhood of Marktl in Upper Bavaria the sheaves are called Straw-goats or simply Goats.
From this he draws out single straws, and throws them, one by one, up to the ceiling; and as many as lodge in the rafters, so many will be the sheaves of rye he will have to thresh at harvest.
The fields were dotted with sheaves of grain, and the farmers were hastening to gather them in.
And, oh, the sheaveswere merry and, oh, the sheaves were drunk.
Half an hour later Guerilla returned, bringing hissheaves with him.
Loads of silky plumed corn or evensheaves of cardinal-flowers cannot be compared to the new sunshine and the magnificent air which have filled the earth from early dawn.
Like a gleaner it brings in its sheaves at the end of its seven years of faithful trial, and asks that its work be judged.
God grant that somewhere among them was a kind-hearted king of the harvest who gave orders to let some sheaves fall.
Behold, God hath gathered His enemies together, as sheaves to the threshing.
But they know not the thoughts of the Lord, neither understand they His counsel: for He shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor.
I thought we were binding sheaves in the field: and my sheaf arose as it were, and stood, and your sheaves standing about bowed down before my sheaf.
The docked sheaves were conveyed to the tithe barn either before or after the carrying of the others.
It was first built as a tithe house, and was within the same ring-fence as the great barn or granary for the storing of the tithe sheaves belonging to the monastery.
A small collection of sheaves set up in the field; a shock; in England, twelve sheaves.
The outer frame or case of a block within which the sheaves revolve.
On the third day, after the usual procession, the temporary king gave orders that the elephants should trample under foot the "mountain of rice," which was a scaffold of bamboo surrounded by sheaves of rice.
Lignum vitæ was not used for block-sheaves until after the Dutch War in Cromwell's time.
The blocks were bad, for the sheaves were made of some comparatively soft wood, which swelled, when wet, and jammed.
Stitched on the banner in colored cloth were the two wheat-sheaves and two ships of the Montdidiers, and a scroll stretched its length across the bottom, with the motto doubtless, although in the wind one could not read it.
All around the opening Maga had spread masses of wild flowers, and either she or Kagig had spread out on the rock the great banner with its ships and wheat-sheaves that the women had made by night in Monty's honor.
Impatient of the set in the field, she turned to the quiet lawn, surrounded by sheaves of shut-up crocuses.
Round the wild, tussocky lawn at the back of the house was a thorn hedge, under which daffodils were craning forward from among their sheaves of grey-green blades.
A waggon of sheaves rocked small across the melting yellow light.
The afternoon was perfectly still, with a dim haze, and yellow sheaves glowing through.
A dry wind had been blowing all night through the shocks, and already some of the farmers had begun to carry to their barns the sheaves which had stood hopelessly dripping the day before.
Then learn, despite thy boding fears, From seed with sorrow sown, In love, obscurity and tears The richest sheaves are grown.
Without them no mortal to heaven can attain; For what can the sheaves on the barn floor avail Till the thresher shall beat out the chaff with his flail?
When the harvest sheaves ingathered Fill thy barns with store, To thy God and to thy brother Give the more.
And all the children said, "We also had sheaves of him, dear Angel; let him in, we pray you!
By and by evening came, and the Angel of the wheat-field called to the children and said, "Come now to the gate, and bring your sheaves with you.
The rye was all cut, and the sheaves had been standing in the fields for three days.
The truth was simply that Vetch had glanced at her without seeing her, as he might have glanced at the gilded sheaves of wheat on a picture frame.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sheaves" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.