Pid knew that Shapelessness was a lure of The Shapeless One, the greatest evil that the Grom mind could conceive of.
Even the Pilots among them must have been secretly sympathetic to the Cult of Shapelessness the Chief had mentioned, or the alien planet could never have swayed them.
He was broken and stamped into hideous shapelessness and something had torn off his arms.
Within two minutes it would be over, the last child would have been found among the shattered shelters and trampled into lifeless shapelessnessin the bloody ground.
Dead bodies lay about in every shape and shapelessness of death.
Their bodies or their fragments lay in every shape and shapelessness of death, in puddles of broken trenches or on the edge of deep ponds in shell-craters.
But it never falls into the mere shapelessness which was so common with his immediate and younger contemporaries.
Lying mute and harrowed with chagrin, he saw his copper coil battered into shapelessness and his mash vat emptied upon the ground.
Without a groan the figure wilted down and lay in grotesque shapelessnessbetween the rocks.
Parker glanced at his companion from under the conical shapelessness of his old felt hat, but she kept her eyes on the team, and gave him her jaunty profile behind its tantalizing barrier of meshes and dots.
It was of that peculiar bulky shapelessnesswhich betokens a very small infant.
I only said," returned his uncle, "that their shapelessness adds to their horror.