Scarcely older than himself, the sentry possessed the comely features and the bright colouring of youth, with a depth of chest and squareness of shoulder that denoted all the power of mature manhood.
Each sentry held a staff or long pennon, to the top of which was tied one of the hateful red cloths.
We passed by some round towers, that I thought must be sentry boxes, and then the terrace widened out, and again we walked past some very grand and gorgeous apartments.
The drum beat louder, and now I saw as we went up the hill that we came to an occasional guard or sentry posted at some tree by the roadside.
By this time the men were crowding aft, the sentry among them, when the lieutenant of the watch, thinking maybe there was going to be a mutiny, or something of that sort, sings out and axes what we were about.
It was that of the sentry stationed in front of the building used for the marine barracks, and finding who we were, he told us that the men were mustering in the court-yard.
To pay him every respect, a sentrywas placed at the door of his cabin in the cockpit.
I take it it is the morning watch, for I heard it strike just before that stupid sentry put out his light, and for some reason or other I couldn't make out, took to his heels.
There was the risk, should any sentry be posted there, that we should be discovered.
The sentry was certain to hail us, and unless we could give the password and countersign, he would, as in duty bound, fire at us, and then give notice of our escape.
For some time I was left alone, with a sentry only stationed over me.
Almost before the sentry at the gangway could cry out, "A man overboard!
I did not stop to pick it up, nor did the sentry who got the start of me, and off we set, scampering away like rats with a terrier at their tails, till we gained the upper step of the cockpit ladder.
Well, you see, the sentry only passes us once to every twice he passes the casemate in the middle, and has his back to us twice as long at a time.
Besides, I think it likely that they will be standing in their sentry boxes, in such a rain as this; and I feel confident that we shall get across without being seen.
If we were to make our way along at the foot of the wall, the chance of our being seen by the sentry above would be very slight; for of course we should choose a night when the wind was blowing hard, and the water ruffled.
Taking him for one of the officers of the newly-arrived party, the sentry stepped back at once, and he passed out.
The surface of the moat was so ruffled by the wind that Fergus had little fear of being seen, even if the sentry above was out and watching; but he felt sure that he would be in his sentry box, and so swam boldly across.
At the end stood eight or ten scared women, huddled together; while a soldier, with a pistol in one hand and a sword in the other, stood sentry over them.
Here I narrowly escaped being shot, for when the sentrychallenged I could not answer, my lips, tongue and throat being like crackling leather.
We posted only one sentryat a time, nor were large fires around the camp any longer compulsory.
We stuck the bayoneted rifles into his Excellency's flower-beds and departed, leaving the unhappy sentry a prone prisoner.
One escaped; the other we captured and put in a sentry box, which we turned over on him.
The sentry had a dim idea that he had seen the Major somewhere before.
Call the Surgeon and say the sentry over the mortuary reports the inmate to be alive--he has heard of catalepsy and comatose collapse simulating death if you haven't.
On landing at West Point, "my pipe was immediately put out" by a summary order from a sentry on the wharf.
The great wooded amphitheater rising like a wave and little Notre Dame de la Garde peeking like a sentry out to sea.
That sentry must be just about passing the place where we got over the wall now.
They were challenged by a sentry and Harry asked for the officer of the guard.
A sentry stood by the railway official who was taking up tickets, and two or three times he stopped and questioned civilian passengers.
But when the picket stormed up and the assailants were swept back into the darkness, they had not yet finished with Walton,--that sentry was still at his post.
Fascinated by the spectacle, Jack crouched close to the tree, seeing all he dared to see, but keeping a sharp eye on the three Uhlans who were holding the horses, and who should have been doing sentry duty also.
Then, turning to an aid, "Place a sentry at the next door.
Each evening we go on sentry duty; or go out with patrols, or working parties, or ration parties.
So Mucklewame and the sentry (who is evidently burdened with similar instructions) regard one another with shy smiles, after the fashion of two children who have been introduced by their nurses at a party.
Now we begin to consider these diversions on their merits, and seriously criticise Second Lieutenant Little for having last night posted one of his sentry groups upon the skyline.
Behold this same sentry confronted by Private Mucklewame, anxious to comply with Divisional Orders and "lose no opportunity of cultivating the friendliest relations with those of our Allies whom you may chance to encounter.
There is no need to wonder guiltily whether you have sent out a connecting-file between the vanguard and the main-guard, or if you remembered to instruct your sentry groups as to the position of the enemy and the extent of their own front.
He was supposed to examine the sentry in his knowledge of his duties.
Well, anyhow, I had to do my sentry duty, just the same, because if one man was shy those days it put all the work on some of his comrades.
As I had him at my bayonet's point he gave me no trouble, but when we arrived at our lines he took it out on the sentry by spitting at him and slapping him in the face.
When we reached the trenches, I was posted with "Spud Murphy" who was then on sentry go.
Half an hour later Captain Nevins was escorted to a new abode, a tent pitched just outside, not within, the corral, and there he was left to swear at will, with the sentry on No.
Sentry Poague frankly admitted that he had heard horses' hoofs out on the Mesa and voices in the captain's tent, but saw nobody crossing his post and couldn't be expected to in the pitchy darkness.
Over this stood a sentry with loaded musket and bayonet--the latter of which was called into requisition in the most wanton and cruel manner.
The sentry came up, and said: "Every five minutes, sir, I looked and saw him on the bed.
His precautions were needless; the remaining sentry had concentrated his whole attention on the uproar in the cove.
Roger put on the hat and coat of the second sentry and joined Jim on guard.
The postillion cracked his whip and the sentry called out, "Who goes there?
I thought it possible that a sentry might be placed in the hall, but my short pike ought to soon rid me of him.
On enquiry being made, the sentry and the numerous persons who were present declared that I had only drawn in self-defence, so the officer decided that I had perfect liberty to enter the castle.
The sentry on his part swore by all the saints that you must have escaped by the window, but in spite of this a corporal was summoned, and the poor man was sent to prison.
The officer seemed to pity me as he left me, and bolted and barred the heavy door behind which I saw a man standing sentry with his bayonet fixed.
So when you see me ready in my room, and this will be whilst the sentry is having his supper, put out the candle on the table: you can easily manage to do so whilst snuffing it.
In the midst of the tumult a superior officer came up, who decided that you must have escaped through the window, and ordered the sentry to be set at liberty on the spot.
The sentry confined himself to a small ante-chamber, where he walked up and down, without ever coming into my room, except at my invitation.
Whilst he was drinking with the sentry I was getting on my great coat, girding on my hanger (I had no longer a sword), and putting my loaded pistols in my pocket.
You're forsentry duty, to-night," said the Captain.
And say what I would to him, all he had for me was, 'You mustn't speak to a sentry on duty.
As his father anticipated, Robert was soon tired of the sentry game in these new circumstances, and long before the night had half worn away he wished himself safely undressed and in his own comfortable bed.
He then made a hurried survey of the roads leading out of the village, placed sentry groups at various places of advantage, and established the picket in the centre of the village in a large barn.
To ensure against surprise, he posted three sentry groups to his front.
Even when conditions were thus bettered, there were still heavy inroads on sleep by the large amount of sentry duty required.
When one, awakened by the cold, ventured to approach the bonfire to warm himself, the voice of a sentry warned him away: "No one is allowed around the fire.
A Colonial volunteer officer, Captain Brown, in times of peace Butcher Brown, ordered a sentry found smoking to consider himself a prisoner.
Then did thesentry take his pipe from his mouth and confidentially tap his officer upon the shoulder.
Jumping into the saddle again, he rode towards the place where the spark had flickered its brief moment, and there he found a sentry smoking a pipe.
One of the natives had crept forward along the path, hoping to find the sentry asleep, or to steal up noiselessly and stab him.
If you will stand sentry here, my lord, I will set about it at once.
They were anxious to be off, for they feared that at any moment they might hear the alarm raised on the discovery that the sentry was missing.
So I set to work to find you; but the night was too dark to see where the sentries were placed, and I had to crawl round every tent to see if one stood at the entrance on guard, for I was sure that a sentry would be placed over you.
They stepped over the dead sentry at the door of the tent and were going on when Malchus said: "Best lift him inside, Nessus; it may be some little time before it is noticed that he is missing from his post.