To meet the demands for skilled and semiskilled industrial and agricultural workers, the educational system was gradually transformed, heavy emphasis being placed on scientific and technical programs and on vocational training.
In the early 1960s demands for skilled and semiskilled agricultural and industrial workers brought further changes in the educational system.
The Army planned to take officers and enlisted specialists from the top three categories and the semiskilled soldiers and laborers from the two lowest.
Though many black sailors were best suited for unskilled or semiskilled billets, a significant number had technical skills that could be properly used only if these men were assigned to the fleet.
They were the only semiskilled space pilots Dara had.
More than half of the twenty-five negroes in his plant were doing semiskilled and even skilled work.
The younger element, those of ambition and of some training in the schools, will be constantly emerging from unskilled to the semiskilled classes, with a consequent increase in their pay rolls and a betterment in their methods of living.
Semiskilled work pays from 35 cents to 50 cents an hour.
At the Wilder Tanning Company and the American Steel and Wire Company, opportunity was given negroes to do semiskilled work.
But there is a wide range of semiskilled occupations where a handicapped man can earn more than if he should enter after a long course of training the highly skilled trade where he would meet the competition of the physically normal.
Sir Robert Blair, in his report already referred to, speaks of the manner in which technical and trade schools in and about London train semiskilled workers for munition work.
We assign an occupational code to our applicants, and these occupational codes refer to specific work, whether it is a trainee job or a semiskilled job or skilled job.
In general, I would say that the tests indicate potential for quite a broad number of jobs--certainly in the semiskilled and skilled occupations.
That includes skilled and semiskilled jobs, and also in our industrial office, truck driving and service station work is also included in this field.
Another education law adopted in 1948 provided for the further expansion of vocational and professional courses to train skilled and semiskilled workers and to increase the theoretical and professional knowledge of the technicians.