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Example sentences for "sell goods"

  • For example, if A is employed as traveling salesman by B to sell goods, he cannot serve as agent for C in the purchase of goods from B without the knowledge and consent of both B and C.

  • A has given B actual authority to sell goods, and this authority carries with it the implied or apparent authority to sell in any reasonable amounts.

  • Defn: To sell goods by outcry in the street.

  • Defn: A woman whose occupation is to sell goods or merchandise.

  • Defn: One who sells anything; one whose occupation is to sell goods or merchandise.

  • To pass goods and commodities from one person to another for an equivalent in goods or money; to buy or sell goods; to barter; to trade.

  • If anybody wants to sell goods to lady buyers they got to be up-to-date, ain't it?

  • We got to sell goods to lady buyers some time, Abe, and we may as well make the break now.

  • We sell goods because we don't get no income by keepin' 'em.

  • You say it yourself, a feller has got to be up-to-date to sell goods to lady buyers.

  • You say yourself he tries to sell goods to you on the car already.

  • A factor is employed to sell goods, and not to barter or exchange them, and if he should do this his principal could recover them.

  • Suppose A had authority to sell goods for B but not to collect payment, and someone should pay him and he ran off with the money, could his principal still collect the money of the buyer of the goods?

  • A contract to sell goods in the future, which the seller does not own at the time is, aside from the statute, not only legal but common.

  • A man who carries a mixed stock is easier to sell goods to than is the man who makes a specialty of one line.

  • You know one of the latest schemes is to sell goods in cases, and throw in the show-case.

  • Well, if you can't beat the houses here, how do you expect to sell goods?

  • Whyland had but lately returned from his European trip, and was just aching all over to sell goods.

  • To sell goods a merchant must have goods; to have them he must buy them.

  • The way for the salesman on the road to handle the man he wants to sell goods to in order to get his regard is to treat him as he does the man of whom he expects no favors.

  • The way to sell goods is either to have lower prices or else make your line show up better than your competitor's.

  • I thought I was coming down here to sell goods.

  • Then do you mean that no objection was made by Mr. Anderson to Harrison being allowed to sell goods at the time when he (Harrison) was applying for that permission?

  • It is the interest of the agent to sell goods to a man, but not to get him into his debt.

  • She may come into the shop to sell goods as any other woman does, but I have no recollection of anything of the kind.

  • Would you allow a trader from Scalloway or Lerwick to sell goods out of his smack there?

  • A woman whose occupation is to sell goods or merchandise.

  • One who sells anything; one whose occupation is to sell goods or merchandise.

  • A man who attends at the counter of a shop to sell goods.

  • To sell goods is the aim of the organization, be its head an advertising manager or a sales manager.

  • In operating a follow-up system--especially if the object is to sell goods--the correspondent should have before him a history of the efforts previously made to secure an order.

  • What I want to do is to sell goods on the road.

  • Any cripple could get married, y'understand; but a feller must got to have his health to sell goods.

  • He don't never stop at nothing to sell goods.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sell goods" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    alcoholic liquors; between two; bury them; half teaspoon; know thou; little tired; minor importance; need not; neutral ground; pour some; pretty sight; sailing ship; seized hold; sell again; sell goods; sell their; sell them; selling goods; selling price; several people; strong guard; thou thinkest; uniform size; went directly; when what; young farmer