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Example sentences for "going concern"

  • Spaniards" is a going concern--smell the drink.

  • In short, the old "New" inn impresses the beholder with a very insistent sense of being a live institution, a "going concern.

  • I added that it was pretty slipshod business for a going concern, supposing--sarcastically now--that the Arrowhead was a going concern.

  • This was one little per-diem going concern, all right.

  • She chuckled at this and repeated it in a subterranean rumble: "A going concern--my sakes, yes!

  • The assets may be listed on the basis of their value in a going concern, or on the basis of the prices they are estimated to bring at forced sale.

  • A statement of affairs of a bankrupt is prepared on a somewhat different basis than a similar statement for a going concern.

  • How does a statement of affairs of a bankrupt differ from that of a going concern?

  • Therefore it will be seen there remains to be determined many questions vitally affecting the value of the property without regard to its value as a 'going concern.

  • In computing overhead charges, no allowance was made for working capital, and no addition to the physical valuation was made to cover any such element as "going concern" value.

  • He refers to our utter failure to understand "what a wonderfully complete 'going concern' Aguinaldo's government had become throughout the Philippine Archipelago before the Treaty of Paris was signed.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "going concern" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    constant wind; dear little; four braccia; going about; going ashore; going back; going beyond; going concern; going everywhere; going forward; going north; going out; going over; going right; going thither; little boy; magical ceremony; mile away; periodic droughts; poor lady; remarkable degree; several people; sorte que; sufficient cause; warm friend; wondered what