In short, the old "New" inn impresses the beholder with a very insistent sense of being a live institution, a "going concern.
I added that it was pretty slipshod business for a going concern, supposing--sarcastically now--that the Arrowhead was a going concern.
This was one little per-diem going concern, all right.
She chuckled at this and repeated it in a subterranean rumble: "A going concern--my sakes, yes!
The assets may be listed on the basis of their value in a going concern, or on the basis of the prices they are estimated to bring at forced sale.
A statement of affairs of a bankrupt is prepared on a somewhat different basis than a similar statement for a going concern.
How does a statement of affairs of a bankrupt differ from that of a going concern?
Therefore it will be seen there remains to be determined many questions vitally affecting the value of the property without regard to its value as a 'going concern.
In computing overhead charges, no allowance was made for working capital, and no addition to the physical valuation was made to cover any such element as "going concern" value.
He refers to our utter failure to understand "what a wonderfully complete 'going concern' Aguinaldo's government had become throughout the Philippine Archipelago before the Treaty of Paris was signed.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "going concern" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.