Sanvitali, a man of middle age, who had travelled much, took a seat near Juliette, but not on the sofa, so she was compelled to turn round.
She had about fifty sequins, I handed her the same sum, and took a seat near her.
She called me back, made me take a seat near her, and told me not to commit follies which would make her unhappy; that I knew how much she loved me, and that it was not owing to the effect of any drug.
She received me like a princess, took off her glove before giving me her hand to kiss, mentioned my name before five or six strangers who were present, and whose names she gave me, and invited me to take a seat near her.
It's all fixed," he said, taking a seat near Jethro in the window.
She answered something, There was a seat nearby under the trees.
Fidelia often looked that way as if wishing to follow her cousin, but at length left the sofa, and took a seat near us; but not before Joseph had asked me in a hurried manner how old I thought she was.
Frank shook with emotion as he hastily bolted the door, and took a seat near me.
He silently beckoned me to a seat near him, when he related as follows the scenes of the morning.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seat near" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.