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Example sentences for "seal meat"

  • Our meals were now practically all seal meat, with one biscuit at midday; and I calculated that at this rate, allowing for a certain number of seals and penguins being caught, we could last for nearly six months.

  • The fragments of our floe came together again a little later, and we had our lunch of seal meat, all hands eating their fill.

  • The dried vegetables, if any, all go into the same pot as the meat, and every dish is a sort of hash or stew, be it ham or seal meat or half and half.

  • The successful treatment of the disease seems to be to compel the patient to eat abundantly of raw walrus or seal meat, and to take moderate exercise, at first under shelter and then in the open air.

  • The entire freedom from this disease seems to be attributable to Captain Baker's excellent management, and the constant feeding of fresh reindeer, walrus, or seal meat to the crew, as well as to those in the cabin.

  • Conditions of temperature in the igloo allowed of decomposition occurring in seal meat.

  • No one of us whose privilege it was to be there will forget our first sight of the penguins, our first meal of seal meat, or that first big berg along which we coasted close in order that London might see it on the film.

  • In the covered passage round the hut he had cut out shelves in the snow and filled them with slices of seal meat.

  • We had to lose no time in getting ready the tent in which we stored our chief supply of seal meat.

  • We formed three depots and stored in them 3 tons of provisions, including 22 hundredweight of seal meat.

  • For seven years I had lived on seal meat, so that at sight of the enormous plentitude of different and succulent food I fell a victim to my weakness and ate of such quantities that once again I was well nigh to dying.

  • My hut was quite washed out by the seas, and of my great store of seal meat only a wretched, pulpy modicum remained.

  • And yet, after all, this, and the affair of the small fish, were mere indispositions due to the foreignness of the food to my stomach, which had learned to prosper on seal meat and on nothing but seal meat.

  • But we have plenty of seal meat, blubber and biscuit, and can therefore remain for a much longer period if needs be.

  • There is an unlimited quantity of biscuit, and our discovery at Pram Point means an unlimited supply of seal meat.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seal meat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    among them; dozen large; even from; four books; getting along; glass works; great towns; hollow tone; last evening; laughing matter; make answer; miles long; much sorrow; pick them; religious profession; seal meat; sealed book; sealed letter; simple ideas; three equal; trade with; unaccented syllable; various members; waste matter