The necessity must have been pressing, for in 1308 he sent to their assistance the greatest schoolmanof the Order, Duns Scotus.
Early in the century Maitre David de Dinant, a schoolman of Paris, whose subtlety of argumentation rendered him a favorite with Innocent III.
In other words, the public schoolman has gone through a mill of discipline out of school as well as in.
Now, as regards these arts and accomplishments, the public schoolman and the better class City clerk have the chance of learning some of them at least, and of practising them, both before and after they have left school.
Every moral act derives its character (says a Schoolman with an unusual combination of profundity with quaintness) 'aut voluntate originis aut origine voluntatis'.
But what is obtained by quotations from Maimonides more than from Alexander Hales, or any other Schoolman of the same age?
He studied the writings of Thomas Aquinas, which contained the favourite theology of Savonarola, and spoke of the great Schoolman as a "pillar of truth.
He had more of the Schoolman in him and less of the Humanist than any other of the men who stood in the first line of leaders in the Reformation movement.
The Summa of the great Schoolman entranced him, and insensibly drew him towards theology; but outwardly he did not rebel against the lot in life marked out for him.
But the Schoolman had a Christian disposition, and said that it was Sunday, and the young man liked something delicate to eat as well as he.
A schoolman that expects to become a professor will scarcely deign to cast an eye on a pastor; but one who is himself looking up to a parsonage as to his working-house and breeding-house, knows how to value such a character.
It was never very long; for Doctor Schoolman well knew that patience, that sits good-naturedly for hours at games or races, or in the seats of a packed theater, has very short limits at church.
Doctor Schoolmanand his wife were receiving, and our party joined the line of guests making their orderly way toward them.
Doctor Schoolman was very amiable, and his wife, a vivacious little lady in satin and artificial curls, chatted volubly with the members of the flock as they were dutifully presented.
Doctor Schoolman greeted them warmly and introduced them to him.
He found much to assent to ethically, but, compared with the revelation in his laboratory when the pure light of heaven shone upon the pages of John's Gospel, the rhetorical utterances of Doctor Schoolman were as water unto wine.
That sort of gathering is what Doctor Schoolman calls 'relaxation,' and I think he is right.
On Sunday the faithful calendar announced it, and Doctor Schoolman made special mention of it, urging attendance.
While Hubert debated a reply which should illuminate Doctor Schoolman as to his real motive, others were pressing up to take the hand of the minister, and he passed on with his mother and Winifred.
They fell upon the silvering hair of the Reverend Doctor Schoolmanas he pronounced the invocation and read the opening hymn, but they failed to reach the young stranger, seated behind, who accompanied him this morning.
It is very strange," remarked Winifred to Hubert, "that Doctor Schoolman has never told us about this.
The company sang "From Greenland's Icy Mountains," and Doctor Schoolmanoffered prayer.
Dimly conscious that his Trinity required in logic a fourth dimension, how was the schoolman to supply it, when even the mathematician of to-day can only infer its necessity?
The schoolman had recourse to first principles, when there was no opium to try it by: our man settles the point in the same way with a lump of opium before him.