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Example sentences for "save life"

  • But, medically speaking, we would not hesitate to urge an operation on a wounded man in order to preserve function, or even to save deformity as well as to save life.

  • There are very many conditions in women where it is necessary to remove the ovaries or the tubes to save life, or to cure chronic invalidism of an unbearable nature.

  • All our efforts will now be to save life, having done our utmost for five hours to destroy it.

  • She was now blazing furiously, and listing heavily to starboard; and the Kent began to take measures to save life.

  • Every effort was made to save life as quickly as possible both by boats and from the ships; life-buoys were thrown and ropes lowered, but only a proportion could be rescued.

  • Closing in hastily, every effort was made to save life, and boats were got out and lowered.

  • Allen, in Writing of his Men, says, "No sooner had she sunk than the Kent's men displayed the same zeal and activity in endeavouring to save life as they had done in fighting the ship.

  • The first duty of the crew of the lifeboat is to save life, but it frequently happens that a stranded vessel is not so seriously damaged as to hinder her being got afloat again.

  • On every occasion of going afloat to save life, each man receives ten shillings, if by day; and L1, if by night.

  • Her crew already experienced the dangers and discomforts, that they were ready to endure, perhaps, for many hours, and without a murmur, in order to save life.

  • Such was the nature of the perils and hardships that Sir William Hillary often readily and nobly encountered in his efforts to save life.

  • And not even to save life, for lepers cannot be cured, you know.

  • We are working together to save life in a world where millions die for want of care.

  • Keepers must act with promptness in such cases, remembering that everything must be sacrificed to save life.

  • Surely we, whose business it is to save life in the surf, should be able to go through yonder broken water alive.

  • I cannot grant that it is hard to carry out the exact and apparently barbarous treatment necessary for a favorable result, for it is certainly more barbarous to sacrifice than to save life.

  • In this disease, as in others that involve life, we are seldom at liberty to test the powers of individual medicines, but are bound to endeavor to save life by associating those which seem to be required for the purpose.

  • In cases which appear utterly hopeless the physician, acting desperately, is sometimes able to save life by treatment which could scarcely be safely recommended.

  • In others, on the contrary, it is necessary to act promptly and energetically in order to save life.

  • One tried to save life, the other alleviated its sufferings.

  • Tercentenary ceremonies, and dedication of a statue to Sir William Jenner--one tried to save souls, the other to save life.

  • Saving a bank and effort to save life--bank saved--but consumptives lost.

  • It may be permitted under no circumstances, not even to save life.

  • I did not come to the fever district to make money; I came to save life--to save life!

  • I'm glad I lived long enough to save life, to save life!

  • Fire was finally stopped five minutes later, on the colors being hauled down, and every preparation was made to save life.

  • The Hogue and Cressy, however, were sunk because they proceeded to the assistance of their consort, and remained with engines stopped, endeavoring to save life, thus presenting an easy target to further submarine attacks.

  • Every effort was made to save life as quickly as possible, both by boats and from the ships.

  • Sometimes the hovellers are distinctly associated with the life-boat men in their efforts to save life.

  • On every occasion of going afloat to save life, the coxswain and his men receive alike, 10s.

  • HOW TO SAVE LIFE To the person who accidentally falls overboard, or who is compelled to leap into deep water, as was the case with many victims of the General Slocum, the first essential is to keep one's presence of mind.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "save life" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    been revealed; cast upon; declared himself; evening clothes; gallant gentleman; great encouragement; great rage; juniper berries; many states; save for; save her; save him; save his; save myself; save only; save sinners; save souls; save that; save their; save them; save themselves; save those; save you; saved from; saved others; tall girl