The sanjak of Delvino was bounded from Venetian territory by the district of Buthrotum.
Notwithstanding all his intrigues, the sanjakof Delvino was conferred, not upon him, but upon a bey of one of the first families of Zapouria.
It includes the great marshy districts of the lower Euphrates and Tigris, and of their joint stream, the Shatt el-Arab, and a sanjak on the western shore of the Persian Gulf.
The Sanjak of Smyrna, in Asia Minor, was the true wealth of Turkey; it represented forty-five per cent.
Although the population of the whole vilayet of Audin and the majority of the Sanjak of Smyrna was Mussulman, Greece had the possession.
State absorbs Montenegro Silesia (see Upper Selesia) Slav States, cosmopolitan population of Smyrna, the Sanjak of Sonnino, M.
A lofty tent, whose projecting centre-pole bore the glittering brass crescent and star, and before the entrance to which a single horse-tail hung from the long spear, denoted the headquarters of a Sanjak Bey.
What will the lies of a wholesanjak of your hirelings avail against the honor of a Janizary?
But you forget, my brothers," said Ballaban, "that this fight with the Sanjak Bey does not belong to any one beside myself.
The government of Austria-Hungary, not desiring to undertake the administration of the sanjak of Novi-Bazar, .
On the other hand, she consented to withdraw from the Sanjak of Novi-Bazar which she had occupied by virtue of a secret agreement with Russia of July 1878.
Salonika rings with children's cries, Dawson city with the howlings of dogs, but the towns of the Sanjak have no better music than the croaking of carrion crows.
It is said that by the end of four months Austria will occupy the Sanjak as far as Mitrovitza.
The whole of the Sanjak from Mitrovitza to the Austrian frontier was inhabited almost entirely by Serb-speaking Slavs, the bulk of whom were Moslem.
The schoolmasters were nearly all Montenegrins and regarded the Sanjak as "their claim.
Also that the first step in that direction must be the taking of the Sanjak of Novibazar, which had been formed as a barrier between the two branches of the Serb race by the Powers at the Berlin Congress.
The Albanians are numerically far superior to the Serbians, who are not numerous in Kosovopolje and the Sanjak of Novibazar.
He believed that even then they had more troops in the Sanjak than was allowed by treaty.
Servia acted as a bar to Austria's commercial route to the Ægean, by way of the Sanjak of Novi Bazar to Saloniki, while Russia was Servia's great ally and stood stoutly behind the little Slav kingdom in its opposition to Austrian aggression.
The first reduction in size occurred in 1857, when some of the western portion of the vilayet was added to the newly created sanjak of Zor.
The sanjak is rich in mineral wealth; silver mines are worked at Balia and boracite mines at Susurlu.
Bosnia and Herzegovina were handed over to Austrian administration; under a subsequent convention with Turkey, Austria sent troops into the sanjak of Novibazar.
Germanicia-Marasion), the chief town of a sanjak of the same name in the Aleppo vilayet, altitude 2600 ft.
The sanjak lies almost wholly in Mt Taurus, and includes the Armenian town of Zeitun.
Pescium), a town of Albania, European Turkey, in the vilayet of Kossovo and sanjak of Novibazar, 73 m.
Montenegro, though deprived of the much-coveted Scutari, was assigned part of northern Albania and the Turkish sanjak of Novibazar, adjoining on the east, considerably increasing her diminutive territory.
Novibazar, capital of the sanjak of the same name, was taken by the Servians on October 23rd.
Kaisarieh), chief town of a sanjakin the Angora vilayet of Asia Minor.
When she came back, she knew the Sanjakof Novi Bazar like her pocket.
In her schooldays, hearing of the Sanjak of Novi Bazar, she had imagined the Sanjak to be a funny little man in a red cap.
After this bloody scene, the Pacha placed a Sanjak with 1000 soldiers in Zabid to retain it under subjection.
The sheikh sent back for answer, that he was ready to pay the tribute due to the sultan, and would willingly accept a Sanjak or banner if sent to him; but that he did not know the Pacha and would not come to the sea-side.
ESKI-SHEHR, a town of Asia Minor, in the Kutaiah sanjak of the Brusa (Khudavendikiar) vilayet.
KARS, a fortified town of Russian Transcaucasia, in the province of Kars, formerly at the head of a sanjak in the Turkish vilayet of Erzerum.
Between Serbia and Montenegro lies theSanjak of Novibazar.
The Sanjak of Novi Bazar is bounded on the north by its northern frontier, cold and cheerless, and covered during the winter with deep snow.
The east of the Sanjak occupies a more easterly position.
Brink of Suicide" writes: Can you, will you, tell me what is the Sanjak of Novi Bazar?
On the south, where the soil is more fertile and where the land begins to be worth occupying, the Sanjak is, or will be, bounded by the British Empire.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sanjak" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.