A score now appeared on a sandhill half a mile away; another and another lone specimen trotted past our camp.
The following day (August 20), at noon, we camped in Sandhill Bay, the north point of Aylmer Lake and the northernmost point of our travels by canoe.
We might go farther and note also the rapidly decreasing numbers of the Sandhill Crane and the Limpkin of Florida.
Sixty-odd miles as migrates the sandhill crane, separated the settlements of Yankton and Sioux Falls.
Several of the large brown or sandhill crane are feeding in the low grounds on the grass which forms their principal food.
We next travelled over ground chiefly open, and at four miles crossed a sandhill on which was a covered tomb, after the fashion of those on the Murray.
I then hastened to the top of a small sandhill to ascertain whether there was any adjacent open space where even our tents might be pitched, and I cannot easily describe the dreariness of the prospect that hill afforded.
On a calm, soft, beautiful evening, about a week after the events narrated in the last chapter, Guy Foster issued from Sandhill Cottage, and took his way towards the beach of Deal.
Just you go up to Sandhill Cottage, and inquire for one Mrs Laker, a hupright and justifiable sister o' mine.
Peekins was permanently received into Sandhill Cottage as page-in-buttons, in which capacity he presented a miserably attenuated figure, but gave great satisfaction.
The wind was rising while the party in Sandhill Cottage were thus engaged.
Thus did she come to call Mrs Foster "mamma," and to preside at the tea-table in Sandhill Cottage.
Then we began circling the sandhill until we got two or three miles away, keeping out of sight of the Indians all the time.
I whipped up my horse and when I had put a sandhill between myself and the man behind I made a quick detour through a ravine, and came up in his rear.
The sky, too, was rarely empty of them; and the cries of the snow geese and the calls of sandhill cranes were rarely still.
I could hear again the bickering cries of the snow geese and sandhill cranes away in an unknown distance, the homelier calls of barnyard fowl nearer at hand.
It appeared that he had tried to scramble up a sandhill and had fallen back into the bush and died--a sad and melancholy fate for one so young.
The point on which The Sandhill is situated I called after Lieutenant Gore, and the inlet, which we entered just before dark, Disaster Inlet, from a circumstance of what may be called a tragical nature which happened in it.
As we look into the noble face of the Monarch of the Glen, we feel a sense of kinship with him, like the experience of Yan in the beautiful story of "The Sandhill Stag.
The story of the Sandhill Stag tells how a deer used this device three times in succession, the last time returning to a thicket near his track from which he could discern his pursuer long before the trail would bring him too near.
Footnote 5: See The Trail of the Sandhill Stag, by Ernest Seton-Thompson, from which is also drawn the information about the deer's moist nose.
Wor voice we'll extend, and with noise rend the sky, When from the Sandhill we're compell'd to fly.
Wor time on the Sandhill wi' pleasure did glide, To display all wor wares and to scold was wor pride; Wor noise did the greet folks of Gotham engage: By the stalls of the Butchers we're now to be caged.
So, day after day, in his leisure moments, he would pace the brow of the sandhill seeking in his mind for a solution to an issue that seemed unfathomable.
So one day he perched himself on the sandhill and began to survey the environs for a solution to the problem.
We therefore joined forces, and behind a sandhill we compared notes as to what information we had already gained, and then devised a little plan by which to complete the whole scheme.
Presently, who should I see creeping round the corner of a neighbouring sandhill but my friend the "dodger"!
The following morning we were awakened by the loud cries of the sandhill crane, performing evolutions in the air, high over their feeding grounds.
He is said to have died on his sandhill at the good old age of eighty-four, and to have been buried at a spot about a mile distant from it.
He adopted the life of a teacher and went to reside on a sandhill some thirty miles south of Bikaner.
The air was now filled with countless flocks of geese, sandhill cranes, and other migratory birds on their passage to the south.
The largest bird of the Island is the Cuban sandhill crane (Grus nesiotes).
I shouted, staring up at the grey mass of the sandhill without spying anything in the least bit threatening.
Even the orange colouring of the sandhill on the left of the sound but tiring path disappeared, and the colour grey got the upper hand to both left and right.
From a high sandhill the next morning we got an extensive view.
As soon as he saw the caravan disappear over the sandhill which abutted on the lake, he took a desperate plunge and came through with ease.
From a sandhill near our camp numerous hills could be seen, the more prominent of which I named.
At almost every sandhill one or other of them, usually Bluey, would drop and refuse to budge an inch until forced by blows.
From a high sandhill the next morning, we got a better view, and could see behind the table-top another and similar hill.
Finally, the river led them amongst plains gaping with fissures, grassless and waterless, where the only change in the flat character of the country was the sandhill formation, that exactly agreed with Sturt's description.
M'Kinlay reports that the camels seem to thrive well on everything, but Warburton appeared to have great difficulty in obtaining feed for them in the sandhill country.
From Sandhillthe coaches journeyed along the Side, which remains as steep and almost as picturesque as ever, even if not rendered additionally curious by the gigantic railway arch that spans it and clears the roofs of its tallest houses.
This way came the coaches, climbing into Newcastle up Sandhill and the Side, whose steep and curving roadway remains to prove how difficult were the ways of travellers as well as transgressors in the old times.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sandhill" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.