My sonne (quoth he) this pore estate of ours Is euer safe from storm of warlike broile; This wilderneese doth vs in safetie keepe, No thundering drum, no trumpet breakes our sleepe.
And am I now in safetie sure (quoth he) 2 From him, that would haue forced me to dye?
Said Trompart, +you+ that are the most opprest With burden of great treasure, I thinke best 6 Here for to stay in safetie behind; My Lord and I will search the wide forrest.
And so God be thanked, both they and we in good safetie arriued at Portesmouth the eight and twentieth of Iuly 1586, to the great glorie of God, and to no small honour to our Prince, our Countrey, and our selues.
But such shall find their flattering breath but makes The fire, our Cuntries safetie byds us cherish, To burne with greater heate.
Your Grace goes right; but with what generall safetie (For ther's the mayne point), if we proceed seveerely May this be don?
Now peace andsafetie waite upon your throne; Securitie hath wall'd your seat about; There is no place for feare left.
If danger may deterre us Nothing that's great or good shall ere be done: And, when we first gave hands upon this deed, To th'common safetie we our owne gave up.
Would I were in a Ale-house in London, I would giue all my fame for a Pot of Ale, and safetie Pist.
Iohn layes you plots: the times conspire with you, For he that steepes his safetie in true blood, Shall finde but bloodie safety, and vntrue.
Let this be done, Put them in secret holds, both Barnardine and Claudio, Ere twice the Sun hath made his iournall greeting To yond generation, you shal finde Your safetie manifested Pro.
My Lords, We were fore-warned of your comming, And shut the Gates, for safetie of our selues; For now we owe allegeance vnto Henry Edw.
To Eltam will I, where the young King is, Being ordayn'd his speciall Gouernor, And for his safetie there Ile best deuise.
First, heauen be the record to my speech, In the deuotion of a subiects loue, Tendering the precious safetie of my Prince, And free from other misbegotten hate, Come I appealant to this Princely presence.
For I do know the State, (How euer this may gall him with some checke) Cannot with safetie cast-him.
That this action will be for the greate increase, mayneteynaunce, and safetie of our navie, and especially of greate shippinge, which is the strengthe of our realme, and for the supportation of all those occupations that depende upon the same.
But his death was a deadly stabbe to their courage; vpon report of his death, they began to wauer in resolution, whether to trust to the force of their armes, or to commend their safetie to their good footemanship.
For the Duke approched so neere the Citie, that many preferring their safetie before other respects, withdrew themselues and went vnto him.
Here the Armie entred with small aduisement, either for clearing the passage, or for the safetie of their carriages.
I Being thus curteously intreated of these gracious and pitiful Nymphes, and hauing my safetie by them sufficiently warranted with sweet comforts, reuiuing my decaied spirites.
Neither was I aduised to my bettersafetie and content which way to turne me.
What a dignitie (o brethern) is it / how great a safetie / for a man to depart myrily from hens / to depart so through oppressions and trobles?
Wherefore he who had as great desire to trauaile as his brother, bought a ship, and directed his course that way: and after he had sailed a great while and escaped many dangers, he arriued at length in safetie with M.
And truely it was a most strange case to see how ioyfull and gladde euery partie was to see themselues meete in safetie againe, after so strange and incredible dangers: Yet to be short, as their dangers were great, so their God was greater.
Sidenote: The policie of the people for the safetie of themselues.
Other some forgetting themselues, spake more vndutifully in this behalfe, saying: that they had as leeue be hanged when they came home, as without hope of safetie to seeke to passe, and so to perish amongst the yce.
October wee came into the riuer of Thames as high as Ratcliffe in safetie God be thanked.
The French king courteouslie granted their request, and so they were in safetie permitted to passe quietlie through the countrie.
Princes therefore had need to see to the safegard of their persons, sithens the safetie of many millians dependeth therevpon.
Sythence oure fourtunie havethe tourned foe, Gader the souldyers lefte to future shappe, To somme newe place forsafetie wee wylle goe, 720 Inne future daie wee wylle have better happe.
Lucas de Barameda in Spaine) they will be there in thirtie or fourtie daies, & home againe in Cornewall in other eight weekes, which is a goodlie matter, beside the safetie and quietnesse in the passage.
Make me even such as thou wouldst have Me, that I may at last enjoy that safetie and tranquillity which thou alone canst give Me.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "safetie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.